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Kerry Frith

What do you do if you have an over imaginative mind that has the ability to create a whole new world ? Become a writer of course!

I'm just an East London girl trying to make it in the big bad world. Currently living in Essex with my husband and six lively off spring. I am a self-confessed addicted iPhone user, lover of chocolate, enjoys watching movies, loves to read a good comedy romance, swears too much, doesn't drink enough and has a mad passion for writing. I like to make people laugh. I think I'm funny. Others may not.

I started writing at the grand old age of 14 but never plucked up the courage to publish. I finally got the kick up the bum I needed in 2012 and took the plunge of becoming an Indie Author.

All my books are avaliable for download from Amazon.

“You know you're a writer when you wish you could meet your characters and hang out with them.”
Kerry Frith
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