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Kersten Hamilton

“I may need your permission to kiss you, girl. But I don't need anyone's permission to love you”
Kersten Hamilton
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“I do not ask for a path with no trouble or regret. I ask instead for a friend who'll walk with me down any path.I do not ask never to feel pain. I ask instead for courage, even when hope can scarce shine through.And one more thing I ask:That in every hour of joy or pain, I feel the Creator close by my side. This is my truest prayer for myself and for all I love, now and forever, Amen.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“You're just the right size for hugging.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“ You don't like me talking to other girls?""I don't like you grinning at them."Teagan admitted"Then tame me with your fine Irish eyes, girl.""Humph.""You have nothing to worry about. You've had my heart since...""When?""I was just trying to sort it, " Fin said. "It could have been the time you explained how its cockles were related to a shellfish." he paused. "No, it was when you flat refused to kiss me-- and me thinking I'd never see you agina, risking my kife to lead the goblins away into the night. It was heroic. And sad."Teagan punched his arm."All right." He smiled. "It was the first time I set eyes on you. My heart stopped beating, and that's a fact.""I know," Teagan said. "The first time I met you, it made me throw up."Finn knit his brows. "I'll never get over how romantic you are. It's like you've stepped right out of one of those fairy movies Aiden's making Roisin watch.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“She knows we can see her, right?""The light's behind her," Teagan pointed out. "All she sees is her own reflection.""Face check," Abby said, as Ms Skinner stretched her lips again, then puckered. She dug a lipstick out of her purse and applied it. "Uh-huh. Now the hair," Abby said. As if on cue, Ms. Skinner rearranged her ginger bangs, fluffed them, then twisted a strand around her finger to make it curl. "That woman's man-hunting. Hide your dad, Tea.""Don't ler her get Dad!" Aiden shouted from his fort."Nobody is getting Dad," Teagan assured him.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“That's all right." Abby picked up the towelette and wiped Roisin's face for her. "When it's a guy problem, we all speak the same language. So your boyfriend's a bird," she said when Roisin's cheeks were tear-free. "It is kind of creepy, but once he changed back, he looked totally Italian.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“Finn Mac Cumhaill," Teagan said, "I do love you.""I'm taking this to mean we're not broken up, then. It was the fever speaking.""No. It wasn't the fever. You want forever, and...I can't promise I won't change even more. But I'm going to take care of Fear Doirich before I do." She turned and started walking toward the old willow. "Saying 'I love you' is no way to break up with a man!" Finn yelled behind her.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“The one with wormies swelling his belly?" Finn looked disgusted. "It's not so swollen anymore." "Right. So it's Maggot Cat pus on my duct tape. As soon as Thomas comes out of the restroom I'm going to wash this in hand sanitizer. Then throw up."Teagan reached for the duct tape, but he moved it away. "Don't be touching it, girl. It's disgusting. I'll deal with it.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“I need to speak to Roisin," he said. Finn rubbed his jaw. "Then I suggest you get off my girl's lap. And put some clothes on, man. You're indecent.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“When I meet someone who says they're not "much for books," I can guarantee that they haven't met the right book yet.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“You turned red all over, Finn," Aiden said helpfully. "So did Teagan. As red as Kool-Aid."The back of Finn's neck went from pink lemonade to Blastin' Berry Cherry."Yeah," Aiden said. "Like that.""I don't want to talk about it," Finn said.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“It's an Irish story, love, Mrs. Wylltson said. We don't do happy endings.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“Whatever. I'm pretty sure Mercutio was a vampire. He had the attitude, you know? He just never got a chance to show his fangs.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“I may need your permission to keep you, girl. But I don’t need anyone’s permission to love you. I choose it of my own free will, and there’s nothing you can do about it.-Finn.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“You’ve got choices, like any other creature. You can stumble down that road, pretending you can’t help it. You can curl up and die of regret and sorrow for what you’ve done. Or you can get up and fight, even though the battle might be lost.-Finn”
Kersten Hamilton
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“Teagan: How long has it been since you read a book that didn’t havevampires in it?Abby: They write books with no vampires? Wait...the penguins made us read that Shakesrear guy, right?Teagan: Shakespeare.”
Kersten Hamilton
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“Brad Pitt just moved in with you. I swear, Tea, he looks just like a young Brad Pitt, and you get to keep him! This is so not fair. Walter looked like Jack Black. You know he did.-Abby”
Kersten Hamilton
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“Isn't the Almighty always saying something, girl? Speaking through everything created, whispering in your hopes and dreams. Urging you to get on with business?”
Kersten Hamilton
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“Sometimes your best isn't good enough”
Kersten Hamilton
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