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KevaD is DA Kentner through the looking glass.

I love love. That first touch of skin, the first kiss, the moment two lovers shed their inhibitions and their clothing. Add a hint of danger, a threat neither lover has the power to control, a dark reality that causes the hero/heroine/hero/heroine to reach beyond who they are and find a vein of strength he or she never knew existed, and I'm your captive reader.

I'm a writer. Easy to say, hard to do. I write fiction, most of the time, in a wide array of genres. I interview authors because I find them fascinating people and enjoy learning more about them.

“Your dad's not dead." I winced. "In fact, isn't he some kind of big-shot union labor guy?" He nodded. "Yup. That's who they called. Dad confirmed he died this morning.”
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“A shrill whistle scratched out of the dank cloud surrounding him. A second soon followed.„Two freighters are doing a whistle pass,“ Betty said behind him. „Is that how you intend to leave this, Gabriel? You and Mr. Harris were but two lonely hearts conducting a whistle pass through the fog of your lives?”
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“I had to ask the burning question as we walked to the door. "How's it feel to throw a man off a building twenty stories up?""Good. Kind of liberating actually. Educational too. I never knew a man could scream so loud. Or so long.”
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