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Kevin Hearne

“Dude is that was a Shakespeare quote duel, he just kicked your ass." OberonI know, but I slipped in some T.S.Eliot and he didn't even catch it. Hopefully next time I wont be recovering from an assassination attempt, and then I'll do better. - Atticus”
Kevin Hearne
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“Drug addicts perplex me. They're a relatively recent development, historically speaking. Everyone has their theories - monotheists like to blame it on godlessness - but I think it was a plague that developed in the sooty petticoats of the Industrial Revolution and its concomitant division of labor. Once people specialized their labors and separated themselves from food production and the daily needs of basic survival, there was a hollow place in their lives that they did not know how to fill.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Cool. Can we watch one last movie first?""All right, buddy. What'll it be?""I think The Boondock Saints, because the Irish guys win. Plus the cat ends badly. It affirms my worldview and I feel validated.”
Kevin Hearne
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“I just starred at him like he was trying to sell me the Sham-wow and the Slapchop for only $19.99”
Kevin Hearne
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“I see. And who is this author?”“Neil Fucking Gaiman.”“His second name is Fucking?”“No, Leif, that’s the honorary second name all celebrities are given by their fans. It’s not an insult, it’s a huge compliment, and he’s earned it. You’d like him. He dresses all in black like you. Read a couple of his books, and then when you meet him, you’ll squee too.”Leif found the suggestion distasteful. “I would never behave with so little dignity. Nor would I wish to be confronted in such a manner by anyone else. Vampires inspire screams, not squees. Involuntary urination is common, I grant, but it properly flows from a sense of terror, not an ecstatic sense of hero worship.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Falling in love is like that: you always feel like a dumbass at some point, even if you know it‘s coming — it‘s unavoidable.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Oberon’s been kidnapped along with one of the werewolves, and that’s why we’re all so upset. We’ll talk more tomorrow, and I promise to answer all your questions if I survive the night,” I said. The widow’s eyebrows raised. “Ye’ve got all these nasty pooches to run around with and ye still might die?” “I’m going to go fight with a god, some demons, and a coven of witches who all want to kill me,” I said, “so it’s a distinct possibility.” “Are y’goin’ t’kill ’em back?” “I’d certainly like to.” “Attaboy,” the widow chuckled. “Off y’go, then. Kill every last one o’ the bastards and call me in the mornin’.”
Kevin Hearne
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“I should like to take this opportunity to name you Sherlock and point out that there is no shit.”
Kevin Hearne
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“I still didn’t know quite what the witches were capable of. The threshold could be booby-trapped or enchanted. I could be walking into a cage fight with a demon. Hell, she could open the door with a Glock 9 in her hand and put a bullet in my ear, or throw a cat at me, or call me a damn hippie.”
Kevin Hearne
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“You're tell me those are gnomes pretending to be dwarfs pretending to be elves? Are you trying to play Six Degrees of Bilbo Baggins again?”
Kevin Hearne
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“Witches and I generally don't get along. Druids look at the tapestry of nature and try to make sure the weave of it remains strong, reinforcing the binding amongst all living things and sewing up the threads on the edges that fray and unravel. Witches, on the other hand, often punch holes in the tapestry in the pursuit of personal power, making deals with dark, supernatural forces that want nothing more than to see nature perverted and destroyed.”
Kevin Hearne
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“It's a coffee place. You can't just automatically classify anything that isn't a steak house as vegetarian.Yes, I can. This is America. You said Americans assert heir own opinions as if they were facts and dismiss inconvenient fast as mere opinions.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Let me tell you, people go on and on about what a great idea electricity was, but I'm going to put toilet paper right next to the wheel and say those are the best ideas anyone's ever had. Scoff at it if you will, but try living for two millennia without it and then we'll talk.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Hence the reason I encourage you to believe what you wish. The heaven of teh Pastafarians is supposed to have beer volcanoes, which sounds like a fantastic idea to me. Imagine eruptions of a mellow chocolaty stout. There might be all-you-can-eat hot wings."~Atticus”
Kevin Hearne
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“They never predict anything fun," Granuaile answered. "Just once I'd like to hear a prophet tell someone, 'Thou shalt win a bitchin' Camaro on a game show.”
Kevin Hearne
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“You, sir," I said, "have all the dignity of a badger with the clap. Shark shit has more fiber than you. I'm going to tie your nuts-first to a monkey's cage and make a mix tape of the resulting noise. Then I'm going to take a bag of marshmallows and a pair of granny panties and-"...... He didn't want to know what I was going to do with those granny panties. Surprisingly, Granuaile did. "Sensei, what were you going to do with those marshmallows and panties?" she whispered as we walked together. "I mean, I'm sure it had to be dire, but it just didn't sound as threatening as the potential havoc a monkey could wreak on his sack.""There was more to that recipe," I admitted. "He cut me off before I could get to the Icy Hot and the gopher snake.”
Kevin Hearne
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“May harmony find you" Atticus”
Kevin Hearne
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“When in doubt, blame the dark elves.”
Kevin Hearne
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“But there was no going back to that idyllic time when only one god wanted to kill me.”
Kevin Hearne
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“come humans, fulfill your evolutionary purpose adn build your hound a fire." Oberon”
Kevin Hearne
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“The color palette is confined to that of a Gustave Dore' engraving, greys and blacks, and subtle shadings of these rendered in harrowing crosshatches and highlighted with sudden glaring areas of nothingness, like splotches of vitiligo sent to haunt the dead with memories of what real light did to the eyes.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Oberon:"She's a very clever girl, the kind you dont' take home to Ogma.”
Kevin Hearne
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“for now, bread and mead call us, appetites whetted, to witness what I have been nursing, encased in iron, licked by flame, and tended with relish.”
Kevin Hearne
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“In Battle, as in charity, it is better to give than to receive.”
Kevin Hearne
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“never thought I'd see a jaguar brought to its knees by rhino shit." Oberon”
Kevin Hearne
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“when you thumb your nose at the laws of physics like you've been doing, the universe tends to get you back through biology." Atticus”
Kevin Hearne
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“I think every creature near enough to hear that just pooped" Oberon said, "And then it went into hiding. Hunting tip number one:Stay Silent.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Grody is in the eye of the beholder.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Not everyone can be bribed with meat, Oberon." "They Can't? Oh! you mean they're vegetarian.""No, they eat meat. It just doesn't sway their decision making process." "Well that... that's just wrong, Atticus!Are they Monsters? It's like they have no moral center!”
Kevin Hearne
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“Druid log July 15: Dark elves are not only quick and efficient killers, but creative and pyrotechnically inclined ones.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Atticus:"I found it difficult not to grin like a geek at a Trekkie convention.”
Kevin Hearne
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“its difficult to dislike a man who takes pleasure in giving away free beer.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Poison?" she (Granuaile)said,"I hope it isn't iocane powder.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Canine Psychology 101. Seriously don't look at it, (the T bone steak) Look for the dastardly villain." Atticus”
Kevin Hearne
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“this is weird, I feel like I should be telling you a story right now." Oberon”
Kevin Hearne
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“Careful with that ego, you could knock somebody over." Atticus”
Kevin Hearne
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“Atticus:"Damn it, Jim, I'm a Druid not a Physicist!”
Kevin Hearne
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“Granuaile:"So why don't cult leaders achieve godhood?"Atticus:" Because they're megalomaniacs drenched in douche juice.”
Kevin Hearne
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“Lie down and offer your throat. No, wait, that's how dogs submit. I know! Offer her you're wallet!" Oberon”
Kevin Hearne
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“Atticus "three kinds of cat shit, Oberon."Oberon "and an arrogant family of squirrels.”
Kevin Hearne
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“I Keep a Wholesome Table." Manannan Mac Lir”
Kevin Hearne
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“Atticus "What's this religion going to be called?" Oberon "Poochism"A:"and the name of this holy writ I will be typing for you?"O:"The dead flea scrolls: A Sirius Prophecy.”
Kevin Hearne
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“First we need to get a buttload of nails.’‘A buttload? How much is that?’‘Uh…’Granuaile rescued me with her superior knowledge of indefinite units of measurement. ‘I believe that’s slightly more than a shitload but much less than a fuckton.”
Kevin Hearne
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“As any war veteran will tell you, there is a vast difference between preparing for battle and actually facing battle for the first time. You can be told that reading Victor Hugo will sap your will to live, but you can't understand what it means until you've read a few chapters and your eyes are glazed over and someone has to revive you with a defibrillator.”
Kevin Hearne
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“That wasn't so bad. She said, dabbing at her mouth with a napkin. What was it?That was a Rocky Mountain oyster, also know as a Montana tendergroin.No. I just ate bull's balls?Only one, but yes, you just tore up a tasty testicle. Congratulations!”
Kevin Hearne
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“Usually I try to suppress any emotions that savor of regret, because they are invariably aperitifs to a main course of depression, and for the long-lived, that’s a recipe for suicide. But that doesn’t mean they can’t sneak up on me sometimes. And, like, gang-tackle me.”
Kevin Hearne
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“You are telling me that your lawyer is a bloodsucking vampire?”
Kevin Hearne
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“But now that she was my apprentice, every such thought caused a guilty twitch in my neck, as if someone had dropped a sleek, stinky ferret there. Guilt ferrets are bastards.”
Kevin Hearne
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“When there's blood involved, you always use every advantage you have to make sure it's theirs that spills and not yours. If you want to feel guilty about taking unfair advantage afterward, you go ahead and feel that shit. But live to feel it.”
Kevin Hearne
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“There are many perks to living for twenty-one centuries, and foremost among them is bearing witness to the rare birth of genius. It invariably goes like this: Someone shrugs off the weight of his cultural traditions, ignores the baleful stares of authority, and does something his countrymen think to be completely batshit insane. Of those, Galileo was my personal favorite. Van Gogh comes in second, but he really was batshit insane.”
Kevin Hearne
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