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Kevin J. Anderson

Yes, I have a lot of books, and if this is your first visit to my amazon author page, it can be a little overwhelming. If you are new to my work, let me recommend a few titles as good places to start. I love my Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. series, humorous horror/mysteries, which begin with DEATH WARMED OVER. My steampunk fantasy adventures, CLOCKWORK ANGELS and CLOCKWORK LIVES, written with Neil Peart, legendary drummer from Rush, are two of my very favorite novels ever. And my magnum opus, the science fiction epic The Saga of Seven Suns, begins with HIDDEN EMPIRE. After you've tried those, I hope you'll check out some of my other series.

I have written spin-off novels for Star Wars, StarCraft, Titan A.E., and The X-Files, and I'm the co-author of the Dune prequels. My original works include the Saga of Seven Suns series and the Nebula Award-nominated Assemblers of Infinity. I have also written several comic books including the Dark Horse Star Wars collection Tales of the Jedi written in collaboration with Tom Veitch, Predator titles (also for Dark Horse), and X-Files titles for Topps.

I serve as a judge in the Writers of the Future contest.

My wife is author Rebecca Moesta. We currently reside near Monument, Colorado.

“It's just human, or inhuman, nature: People will find a way to make a big deal out of their differences-the smaller, the better. It reminded me of the Mantagues and the Capulets (if I wanted to think highbrow), or the Hatfields and the McCoys (if I wanted to go lowbrow)...or the Jets and the Sharks (if I happened to feel musical).”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“Leave it to a Jedi never to give you a straight answer.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“Luke smiled at his friend. “I seem to remember you called the Force a ‘hokey religion’ when I first met you.”Han looked away, embarrassed. “Well, I’ve gotten smarter since then.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“That night the first frost of autumn struck Tucker's Grove. It crept up from the ground, snaring the fragile roots of plants. It emerged from the air, etching its signature on window-panes. A portent. The year was nearing its end. Things would die soon.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“Scully,' [Mulder] said, his voice quiet and serious, 'with the... unorthodox explanations I often find when studying the evidence, I know you're always skeptical-but every time you're at least fair to me. You respect my opinion, even when you don't agree with it.' He looked at his hands. 'I don't know if I've ever told you, but I really appreciate that.'She looked at him and smiled. 'You've told me, Mulder. Maybe not in words... but you've told me.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“When I was doing preliminary research on this case, I remembered the story about Tlazolteotl.' [Mulder] glanced at the old archaeologist. 'Am I pronouncing it correctly? It sounds like I'm swallowing a turtle.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“So you and the lovely Agent Scully are going down to investigate?' Frohike said, sounding hopeful.'Yeah, we leave for Cancun tomorrow.''Our tax dollars at work,' Langly snorted.'I'd love to see Agent Scully with a healthy tropical tan,' Frohike said.'Down, Frohike,' Mulder said.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“Frohike... had a long-standing crush on Dana Scully, but basically it was all talk. Mulder suspected Frohike would turn into a jittering mass of nerves if Scully ever consented to go out with him.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“Every life has a destiny... the trick is to discover it before then end of your life. Otherwise, you will have too many regrets.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“We must think beyond ourselves”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“I have a feeling we're mooning a mean junkyard dog, all brave and laughing - until the dog's leash breaks”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“A moment of consideration often prevents a thousand apologies”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“I am serving the purpose for which I was designed, therefore I am satisfied with my existence.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“We each have our lives... What matters is not how long those lives last, but what we do with them.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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“There will come a time of fire and night, when enemies rise and empires fall, when the stars themselves begin to die.”
Kevin J. Anderson
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