100 Things I Love:
Being married. Cake. The smell of Autumn. Motherhood. Books. Elephants. Back rubs. On demand movies. Actually going out to movies. Faith. Cinnamon rolls. My family. Butterflies. When my kitchen is clean. Crayons. Pink. Tote bags. Dancing. Organizing via color coordination. That my wedding dress was tea length, not floor. Baking. My house. Writing utensils. Paper. India. The sound of water. Making videos. Buttons. The word Episcopalian. Making people laugh. Layering clothes. British accents. Pinterest. Animation. Fireworks. The smell of the Ocean. My wedding rings. Aprons. Reasons to get dressed up. Sex. Pop music. Stars. Taking walks. Daydreaming. Stickers. School Spirit. My friends. Living in a small town. Japan. Singing. Painting my toenails. Pranks/ practical jokes. Painting. Stretch canvas. Costumes. Dipping my fingers in melted wax. Style. Soda. Spending an hour typing at a coffee shop. Musicals. Back to school season. Mopeds. Good hair days. Naps. Not walking up but looking at a beautiful staircase. Driving alone. My ankles. Playlists. Spending entire days in pajamas. Holidays. Telling stories. Spontaneity. Theme parks. Bookshelves. The word copacetic. Boxes. Empty journals. Surprises. Doing things in groups. Doing things alone. Getting real mail. Decorating. Small forks. A good hug. Gift cards. New Years Goals. Going out to dinner. When someone else remembers some great story about me/us that I’ve forgotten. Toy stores. Fireplaces. Breakfast foods. Journaling. Crying for a good reason. Doorbells. Pointless adventures. Voting. My birthday. Reasons to make wishes. Recycling.
“It's the most wonderful and terrible thing that can ever happen to you," she said simply. "You know that you've found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever; and every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it."I sighed softly. She was absolutely right.Love was beautiful fear.”
“I know, I know. It's hard to explain. All I can say is that I've been given a second chance. Maxon matters to me, and I'm going to fight for him.”
“I knew that, in my whole life, if I married Aspen or someone else, no one would ever make me feel this way. It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.”
“You were the one who changed us when you left me in the tree house; and you keep thinking that if you push hard enough, you can make everything go back to before that moment. It doesn't work that way. Give me a chance to choose you.”
“And I know it's over, but it's the same way I felt when you broke up with me.”
“It’s because I’m so good-looking, isn’t it?”
“It’s okay, Kriss. Have some pie,” Natalie offered.”
“He must love you very much,' Gavril said once I had my footing.I couldn't look at him. 'What makes you say that?' Gavril sighed. 'I've known Maxon since he was a child. He's never stood up to his father like that.”
“I sighed. "Actually, Mom, we argue pretty regularly." "What?" She gaped at me. "Well, stop it!""Oh, and I kneed him in the groin once."There was a split second of silence before May barked a laugh. She covered her mouth and tried to stop it, but it kept coming out in awkward, squeaky sounds. Dad's lips were pressed together, but I could tell he was on the verge of losing it himself.Mom was paler then snow."America, tell me you're joking. Tell me you didn't assault the prince."I don't know why, but the word assault pushed us all on the edge; and May, Dad, and I bent over laughing as Mom stared at us."Sorry, Mom," I managed."Oh, good lord." She suddenly seemed very excited in meeting Marlee's parents, and I didn't stop her from going.”
“If this were a simple matter, I'd have eliminated everyone else by now. I know how I feel about you. Maybe it's impulsive of me to think I could be so sure, but I'm certain I would be happy with you. -Prince Maxon, The Selection”
“America, there’s no question that you’ve had my heart from the beginning. By now you have to know that”
“It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.”
“All I want is your promise to stay with me, to be mine. Sometimes it feels like you can't possibly be real. Promise me you'll stay.”"Por supuesto. I promise.”
“Darling, you’re perfect.”
“I was afraid I was wrong, that you would change your mind any second. I’ve been looking for a suitable alternative, but the truth is …”—Maxon looked me in the eyes again, unwavering—“there’s only you. Maybe I’m not really looking, maybe they aren’t right for me. It doesn’t matter. I just know I want you. And that terrifies me. I’ve been waiting for you to take back the words, to beg to leave.”
“Love is beautiful fear”
“You know that you’ve found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever; and every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it.”
“Break my heart for what breaks yours. Everything I am for you kingdom's cause, as I walk from nothing to eternity.”
“Heal my heart and make it clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen, show me how to love like you have loved me.”
“You’re the only person who really knows me. The only person I feel I truly know myself.”“Knowledge isn’t love,” I contradicted.”
“Eres un idiota, Maxon Schreave. Tus padres te sabotearon por completo. Podrías tener cientos de chicas delante de ti, y eso no importaría. Eres demasiado estúpido para reconocer el amor aun cuando se encuentra delante de ti.”
“You’re an idiot, Maxon Schreave. Your parents have completely sabotaged you. You could have a thousand girls set before you, and it wouldn’t matter. You’re too stupid to see love when it stands right in front of you.”
“Knowledge isn’t love”
“And I know I’m about to play second fiddle to another woman, as I should. But my love for you will never change, Maxon.”
“Every girl will come with pros and cons. Some people will choose to focus on the worst in some of your options and the best in others, and it will make no sense to you why they seem so narrow minded. But I’m here for you, whatever your choice.”
“Maxon, this is my gift to you. I promise I will make every effort to see these girls through your eyes. Not the eyes of a queen, or the eyes of your mother, but yours. Even if the girl you choose is of a very low caste, even if others think she has no value, I will always listen to your reasons for wanting her. And I will do my best to support your choice.”
“Carolina'dan America Singer, Beş." Kafamı geriye çevirdim ve ışte oradaydı. Bu, Aspen'in benimle evlenmek için birikim yaptığını öğrendiğimde çekilen fotoğrafımdı. Fotoğraftaki kız ışıldıyordu, umutlu ve güzeldi. Âşık gibiydi. Ve ahmaklardan biri bu aşkin Prens Maxon'a duyulan aşk olduğunu düşünmüştü.”
“Sence," diye sordu Maxon, "Sana hâlâ 'tatlım' diyebilir miyim?" "Hiç şansın yok," diye fısıldadım. "Denemeye devam edeceğim. Vazgeçmek doğamda yok." Beni Seç :)”
“I remembered suddenly that Aspen had always been this way. He sacrificed sleep for me, he risked getting caught out after curfew for me, he scrounged together pennies for me. Aspen's generosity was harder to see because it wasn't as grand as Maxon's, but the heart behind what he gave was so much bigger.”
“It was almost comforting, this mutual acceptance of our secrets.”
“The look in Marlee's eyes was triumphant, and the smile hiding behind her cup of tea said, 'Gotcha'!”
“I'm sure you would have stopped it if you could have.""In a heartbeat.”
“Sometimes I feel like we're a knot, too tangled to be taken apart.”
“I curled closer to May, comforted by her warmth.”
“It turns out I'm absolutely terrible at staying away from you. It's a very serious problem.”
“The Angeles air was quiet, and for a while I laid still, listening to the sound of Maxon breathing.”
“It's always the fear of looking stupid that stops you from being awesome.”
“It's the fear of looking stupid the keeps you from being awesome.”
“Eğer sana âşık olmamı istemiyorsan, bu kadar tatlı görünmeye bir son vermelisin. Yarın ilk iş, hizmetçilerine senin için patates çuvalı diktireceğim!"Koluna vurdum. "Kes sesini Maxon.""Şaka yapmıyorum. Bu kadar güzel olman senin için zararlı. Buradan ayrıldığın zaman seninle birlikte birkaç muhafız göndermemiz gerekecek. Asla tek başına hayatta kalamazsın, zavallı şey." Tüm bunları şakasına, bana acıyormuş gibi söylemişti."Buna engel olamam." İç çektim. "Kimse dünyaya mükemmel bir şekilde gelmeye engel olamaz." Sanki çok güzel olmak yorucuymuş gibi suratımı yelledim."Hayır, bunu engelleyebileceğiniz sanmıyorum."(sf:231.)”
“Close your eyes, Maxon.""What?""Close your eyes.Somewhere in this palace, there is a woman who will be your wife. This girl? Imagine that she depends on you. She needs you to cherish her and make her feel like the Selection didn't even happen. Like if you were dropped in your own out in the middle of the country to wander around door to door, she's still the one you would have found. She was always the one you would have picked. She needs you to provide for her and protect her. And if it came to a point where there was absolutely nothing to eat, and you couldn't even fall asleep at night because the sound of her stomach growling kept you awake—""Stop it!""Sorry.""Is that really what it's like? Out there... does that happen? Are people hungry like that a lot?""Maxon, I...""Tell me the truth.""Yes. That happens. I know of families where people give up their share for their children or siblings. I know of a boy who was whipped in the town square for stealing food. Sometimes you do crazy things when you are desperate.""A boy? How old?""Nine.""Have you ever been like that? Starving?...How bad?""Maxon, it will only upset you more.""Probably, but I'm only starting to realize how much I don't know about my own country. Please.""We've been pretty bad. Most time if it gets to where we have to choose, we keep the food and lose electricity. The worst was when it happened near Christmas one year. May didn't understand why we couldn't exchange gifts. As a general rule, there are never any leftovers at my house. Someone always wants more. I know the checks we've gotten over the last few weeks have really helped, and my family is really smart about money. I'm sure they have already tucked it away so it will stretch out for a long time. You've done so much for us, Maxon.""Good God. When you said that you were only here for the food, you weren't kidding, were you?""Really, Maxon, we've been doing pretty well lately. I—""I'll see you at dinner.”
“America, I don't think you can change history." All the same, his expression looked hopeful."Sure we can. Besides, who'd ever know about it but you and me?”
“But you just said you loved me.""I do, Mer. That's the point. I can't make you like me. I can't stand the thought of you hungry or cold or scared. I can't make you a Six.”
“You don't do that. You don't just leave your family. Sticking together... it's the only way to survive.”
“I hope you find someone you can't live without.I really do. And I hope you never have to know what it's like to have to try and live without them.”
“I'm not so stupid as to believe that you've completely forgotten about your former boyfriend. I know you think there are others here more suited for me and this life, and I wouldn't want you to rush into trying to be happy with any of this. I just... I just want to know if it's possible...”
“Try patting them on the back or shoulder and telling them everything is going to be fine. Lots of times when girls cry, they don't want you to fix the problem, they just want to be consoled.”
“I would be the best of us, the highest of the lows.”
“He let out a sigh. With my head there against his chest, I could faintly make out the sound of his heart beating through his suit coat. It seemed to be rushing. His hand, gentle as ever, reached to cup my cheek. As I looked into his eyes, I felt that unnameable feeling that was growing between us. With his eyes, Maxon asked for something we'd both agree to wait on. I was glad he didn't want to wait anymore. I gave him a tiny nod, and he bridged the small gap between us, kissing me with unimaginable tenderness.”
“Because even though you're dating five other women, I think I'm cheating on you.”
“Nunca he necesitado demasiado para ser feliz.”