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Kiersten White

“What, no flirting?” I asked, trying to buy time. “Aren’t you going to at least try to be sexy? Think of all those vampire fans out there—they’d be so disappointed.” I pulled out my silver knife. Probably should have paid more attention during my knife training. “Tell you what. Let me go and I promise not to tell anyone that you aren’t suave.”
Kiersten White
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“Faeries are unaffected by alcohol, but much to her surprise—and the faeries’ undoing—they get very, very drunk on carbonation. Using copious amounts of Coke, she was able to discover a single faerie’s true name.”
Kiersten White
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“Apparently being a mermaid is dead dull. I watched The Little Mermaid with her once a few years ago—she thought it was freaking hilarious. She couldn’t stop laughing about the shell-bra thing, given that mermaids aren’t mammals. Plus, as she put it, Prince Eric was far too hairy and “peach colored” for her taste. I always thought he was pretty hot, but then again, I am a mammal.”
Kiersten White
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“What do you think? Does this face make me look fat?”
Kiersten White
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“VAMPIRESI see things you can't seeWEREWOLVESI find things that hunt you FAERIESI am your protectorSHAPESHIFTERSBut even Ican't protectyou now.”
Kiersten White
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“Told you I was going to mess up your make up," he said, a smug grin on his face.”
Kiersten White
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“We sat down and Lend put his arm around me. Every single jaw at the table dropped."Man," John said, shaking his head. "All this time I was pretty sure you were gay.”
Kiersten White
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“I could have melted ice, my smile was so bright.”
Kiersten White
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“Maybe I'm weird, but watching Lend drive was sexy.”
Kiersten White
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“What a lovely balance. Lend shows whatever he wants the world to see and you see through whatever the world wants to show you.”
Kiersten White
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“He saved me. He freaking electrocuted himself to save me. I’m gonna be there when he wakes up so I can tell him thanks.”
Kiersten White
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“He reached out and put his hand on top of mine. My heart skipped a beat - he liked me, too!"You're worried about what's killing the paranormals aren't you?"Crap. He didn't like me.”
Kiersten White
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“Oh relax." I waved my hand dismissively. "If he wanted to kill me, he already would have. I brought him all these sharp pencils, ideal for stabbing, and he's been a perfect gentleman.”
Kiersten White
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“Why does everyone keep asking me that?" Seriously, did I look like some sort of pyscho assassin? Maybe it was the pink sneakers. Or the heart earrings?”
Kiersten White
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“You bet I'm trouble.”
Kiersten White
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“Streams of melting snow.”
Kiersten White
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“Silver knives! Painful and sometimes deadly to all paranormals!''Tasey!' I counterd 'Hot pink and sparkly!”
Kiersten White
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“Yo soy carne muerta. Translation: I am dead meat.”
Kiersten White
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“Plus as she put it, Prince Eric was far too hairy and peach colored for her taste. I always thought he was pretty hott, but then again, I am a mammal.”
Kiersten White
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“If you fail to report within the next 12 hours. you will be terminated. If you attack any humans, you will be terminated. If you attempt to remove the tracking device, you will be terminated. We look forward to working with you.”
Kiersten White
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“Tasers are a one-size-fits-all paranormal butt-kicking option. Mine’s pink withrhinestones.”
Kiersten White
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“I hate the vamp jobs. They think they're so suave. It's not enough for them to slaughter and eat you like a zombie would. No, they want to be all sexy, too. And trust me: vampires? Not. Sexy.”
Kiersten White
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“...sometimes I get tired. Sometimes I get bored. And sometimes all I want, more than anything else in the world, is to go on a freaking date.”
Kiersten White
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“Being dead wasn't supposed to hurt. Where was the fairness in that? If I was dead, the least the universe could do was make it painless”
Kiersten White
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“I guess I can't blame him for feeling bitter. Going from being the terror of Bulgarian nights to a janitor would kinda suck”
Kiersten White
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“Bleep stupid bleep bleep faeries and their bleep bleep bleep obsessions. He had better stop bleep bleep bleep the bleep bleep rules or I will bleep bleep bleep the little bleeeeeeep.” All in a completely robotic monotone.”
Kiersten White
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“Do you have a driver's license?"He laughed. "That's important?""Oh yeah! I'd kill for a driver's license! Hey, maybe that's what the poem means! I'm going to go berserk and start attacking people because they won't let me drive...""Could be, you never know. But yes, I have a driver's license."I leaned back against the wall, sighing. "Man, that must be so cool.""It ranks right up there with lockers. In fact, sometimes I put my drivers license inside my locker, and it's so cool I worry that the whole thing might explode with the sheer coolness of it all.”
Kiersten White
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