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Kiexiza Rodriquez

Kiexiza Rodriquez, (pronounced Ki-eek-sa, or Kie, like Pie), is the eldest of ten children, a married mother of four, who resides in her home town of Springfield, MA.

Kie, as most people call her, realized early on the importance of a pen and a blank piece of paper. She was able to express how she was feeling when life proved to be too hard to endure. Over time her love for the creative arts turned into a passion. She honed her skills in the culinary arts, soared at creative writing, finding joy in being able to express her inner most emotions through these avenues. By the time she left high-school she left w/o a diploma and gave birth to a son shortly thereafter. She received her G.E.D. a few years later, never allowing her circumstances to remove her smile. She keeps it firmly on her face daily despite what storms may be brewing.

As survivor of childhood abuse, she witnessed violence between her parents and then became a victim of it herself, as an adult. Kie has survived storms that at times she wonders how she weathered. A strength she never knew existed seemed to present itself and enabled her to lift her head and continue forward. She now knows that was her heavenly Father giving her strength.

Kie, found a way to incorporate her love for the creative arts and make it a business. She's spent tge last thirty years in the entertainment industry working for different companies such as; Reflections Emporium, Woo Bear Promotions, GumboLive, The City Beat Magazine, and DiamondStar Entertainment, assisting them with; marketing & promotions, A&R, event planning, street team promotions, and administrative work across the New England area.

After many of those around her insisted that she had a testimony to share, she decided to weite down her personal story of survival and share it with the world. The result was her first book Beautiful.

Kiexiza’s goal for her novels is to create more than a simple fictional story. Her stories aspire to entertain and provide life lessons mixed into the drama, humor, mystery and romance of her characters journey. She’s crafted a series of novels, entitled the "BEAUTIFUL Mess Series," in which she hopes to share some of her world, in a realistic yet, fictional way.

After self publishing, and then being signed to several publishers that didn't work out, she along with her management decided to return to self publishing. In 2017, the family returned to Massachusetts after six years in Virginia due to some major health issues with Kie. sshortly thereafter she picked up her pen and republished books one and two and is almost ready to release book three with book four halfway written. This series has been a long journey. But it promises to be well worth the wait.

Kiexiza, along with fellow author and friend Elizabeth Funferbrik-Rowe, Co-Founded of Saving Lives Through Lit, a NPO who hope it was, to publish books tin order to assist Domestic Violence shelters across America. To bring awareness to the fact that everyone, whether man, woman or child deserves to live in a safe environment. In 2011, together with 28 other authors ranging from age 12 to 50, complied the anthology “Voices Behind the Tears.”

She is also in the anthology, Untapped: a collection of erotic firsts, published by Naughty Ink Press.” Which was her break out story into a new genre.

Kiexiza has been a contributing writer and or book reviewer, to Writers-Vibe,, So Fyh Magazine, Editing Couture, and Dream4More. She has been interviewed by, submitted stories or articles for publication to TheCEOMama, Soulful Nights, Christian Women Lifestyles Xpress, On The Rise Magazine, SheliaGlossBlog, Sormag, The City Beat Magazine, SizzlePopin Radio, and many others.

For More Information on Kiexiza Rodriquez contact

“The Lord speaks to each one of us in different ways. He may use your mother, your sister, your child, or even your boss. He might even use an unbeliever. God never said his messages would come in nicely wrapped packages from your pastor," the pastor could be heard saying from inside the packed church. "God doesn't do things the way WE want them done. He does things the way we NEED them done, so he can get out of us what holds us back, what keeps us from him. He wants to help us reach the next level. He sends us what we need, when we need it, in HIS time. We are on his schedule, not the other way around.”
Kiexiza Rodriquez
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“I'd arrived already except for this voice in my ear telling me to Quit!”
Kiexiza Rodriquez
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“When Life throws me lemon's, I get a Pen!”
Kiexiza Rodriquez
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