Kiki Hamilton is the award-winning author of THE MIDNIGHT SPY-named One of the Best Books of 2015 by Kirkus Reviews; THE FAERIE RING series and several contemporary novels. Kiki lives near Seattle, though she loves to travel and is most likely plotting her next adventure - in more ways than one! :-)
Visit her website at:
“you're not just a pickpocket with fast hands." Rieker's eyes locked on hers. "I found a girl caring for other orphans like a mother. A girl who'd befriended an old bookshop keeper who had lost his only daughter. A girl who can read and is helping others learn to read." His voice softened. "And a girl so beautiful at times, you take my breath away.”
“Rieker threaded her hair behind her ears with his other hands, his fingers lingering against her cheek. "We're different Tiki," he said softly. "We're caught between two worlds and honestly, I don't know which one we belong in. But I do know this - I don't want to be either place without you." He looked deep into her eyes. "I believe we found each other because we're meant to be together.”
“We're bound by more than love, it would seem. Destiny seems to have plans for us as well.”
“A cry of despair escaped her lips. When had she fallen in love with him?”
“One minute sweet and nice, like a lovable little kitten, the next she'd give you a pop in the jaw if you say the wrong thing.”
“A few strands of his long, dark hair had been caught by the wind and blown against his face. Without thinking, she reached up and smoothed the strands away from his skin, wishing she could smooth away the pain etched there.”
“My God, girl, you can bugger up any well-thought-out scheme.”
“Rieker's hand slid from her wrist to her hand, and his fingers entwined around hers. Before she could move, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close. Instead of being afraid, Tiki felt an odd sense of safety.”
“Expecting his usual aloof expression, she saw instead that his smoky eyes were locked on her face and the walls that he usually hid behind were gone. There was something that looked almost like longing in his expression.”
“Tiki ran hard, ignoring the startled looks of strangers. It felt good to run, to run away from her sadness and fear.”
“Tiki was uncomfortably aware of how close Rieker was standing to her, yet at the same time she felt pulled toward him, as though in the grip of a magnet.”
“Oh bloody hell. She'd just stolen the queen's ring.”
“Just like a kitten pretending to be a lion.”