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Kilgore Trout

Philip José Farmer wrote Venus on the Half-Shell (1975) under the name Kilgore Trout, a fictional author who appears in the works of Kurt Vonnegut. He had planned to write more of Trout's fictional books (notably Son of Jimmy Valentine), but a disagreement with Vonnegut put an end to those plans.

Trout is credited with having written 117 novels and over 2000 short stories though many are difficult to find and most out of print. Trout's novels include "The Gutless Wonder", "2BR02B", "Oh Say Can You Smell?", "The First District Court of Thankyou", "Pan-Galactic Three Day Pass", "Maniacs in the Fourth Dimension", "The Gospel from Outer Space", "The Big Board", "Pan-Galactic Straw Boss (Mouth Crazy)", "Plague on Wheels", "Now It Can Be Told", "How You Doin'?", "The Smart Bunny", and "The Pan-Galactic Memory Bank".

“Men are jerks. Women are psychotic.”
Kilgore Trout
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