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Kim Cormack

Kim Cormack is the always comedic author of the darkly twisted epic paranormal romance series, "The Children of Ankh." She worked for over 16 years as an Early Childhood educator in preschool, daycare, and as an aid. She has M.S and has lived most of her life on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. She currently lives in the gorgeous little town of Port Alberni. She's a single mom with two awesome kids. She has a son in grade 10 and another son in University at VIU. If you see her back away slowly and toss packages of hot sauce at her until you escape.

(If you've noticed my older daughter vanish from this bio. He's my son, I love him, and that's that. I'm in the process of changing every bio.)

A personal note from the author...

I began writing this series shortly after my M.S diagnosis. I had many reasons to fight. I had incredible children, a wonderful family, and amazing friends but this series gave me a purpose. Whenever things become dark, I use my imagination to find the light within myself. No matter what life throws your way, you are stronger than you believe. My hope is that the character's strength becomes an inner voice for the readers that need it. Stand back up and if you can't stand... Rise up within yourself. We are all beautiful just as we are. We are all immortal.

All heroes are born from the embers that linger after the fire of great tragedy...

She slept a dreamless sleep free of dragons for she had slain them once again...


The information contained within this website is not intended for mere mortals. Reading this may inadvertently trigger a Correction. If you survive or have shown great bravery during your demise, you may be given a second chance at life by one of the three Guardians of the in-between. For your soul's protection until your 18th year, you must join one of three clans of immortals living on earth... Ankh, Trinity or Triad. You are totally still reading this, aren't you?

The Children of Ankh Series

Sweet Sleep


Let There Be Dragons

Handlers of Dragons

Tragic Fools ( Coming January 7th 2021)

A C.O.A spin-off series with Lexy as the main character

Wild Thing

Wicked Thing

Deplorable Me

(A fun short Novella for the series readers)

Bring Out Your Dead

“As her vision flickered one last time, the man was gone; it was her mother looking into her eyes.Her mother’s eyes were filled with so much love that it seemed to release her from her pain and fear as it did when she was a small child. Her mother cradled her as a baby, rocking her back and forth. She was safe now in her mother’s arms. She was at peace. Mommy, her heart sang, you’re here to save me.”
Kim Cormack
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“The dark mass of her violator suddenly appeared beside her, leaning in so close that she could smell his putrid breath, moist over her face. Every hair on her body was standing on end. The electrical power between Kayn and the man in the dark was like a charge. He ran a finger over her exposed breast saying, “You were never to be born; this situation had to be corrected.”
Kim Cormack
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“Her vision came into focus and again this time the trees crackled and mocked her. You’re going to die you silly bitch, they seemed to chant. They waved their branches, howling, as the wind whistled through the trails which had suddenly grown icy cold. Kayn’s mind snapped back to reality; she had lost a lot of blood…none of this was real. Children of Ankh”
Kim Cormack
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“She slept a dreamless sleep free of dragons for she had slain them once again. The Children of Ankh ”
Kim Cormack
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“I can't wait to get back to writing today so I can see what happens next Kim Cormack”
Kim Cormack
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“Lexy lay curled up in Greys arms on the couch and slept a dreamless sleep free of dragons for she had slain them once again.The Children of Ankh series”
Kim Cormack
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“Let the trials in your life guide you not define you”
Kim Cormack
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“In every lifetime there is a moment. A moment so clear, so profoundly unique; that it stands out against billions of other moments. When you find a moment such as this one, you pay extra close attention to it. It will usually contain something that defines you in the future. (The Children of Ankh)”
Kim Cormack
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“The humming of Kayn’s blood that coursed through her veins seemed to sing along to the steady, almost tribal, beat of her feet as they pounded rhythmically into the dirt. A veil of earth flowed behind her; she resembled a flaxen haired angel attempting to outrun a cloud. The cloud of dust seemed to follow her for a moment or two longer than it should, with not one whisper of wind in the afternoon air. (The Children of Ankh series)”
Kim Cormack
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“Kayn began to speak as if she were reading his obituary. “I can see the paper now; it would read something like this; Kevin Smith was a wonderful boy so smart and good looking but a little clumsy. Had he simply tied up his shoes he would have never tripped down the stairs and found himself impaled on a janitor’s broom. Remember kids; tie your shoes; safety first.” (The Children of Ankh series)”
Kim Cormack
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“I have a girlfriend, Kayn. Her name is Chloe. She just doesn’t know it yet,” He smiled; he couldn’t help himself, he knew it irritated her to no end. (The Children of Ankh series)”
Kim Cormack
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“Hey, I’ll have you know, that I have been going commando since my first wedgie in grade five; once they grab for underwear, and don’t find any, they get very afraid and back right off.” He chuckled.(The Children of Ankh series)”
Kim Cormack
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“Kevin was sitting on the railing waiting patiently and looking up at the sky with his mouth agape in a totally comical way. Kayn walked up beside him and teased, “Trying to catch flies?” (The Children of Ankh series) Kim Cormack”
Kim Cormack
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“It’s hillbilly urine; we had better get home before they come to eat us.” Kevin said pointing towards home proving if there was ever any doubt that he had no acting ability at all. (The Children of Ankh series)”
Kim Cormack
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“In the woods lay a bleeding angel in all her glory. Her arms posed gracefully above her head and her hair soaked in the mud, the blood and feces in which she lay. Dying, fading into the other realm, her form christened by the rain as though the trees had begun to weep upon her in sadness for the brutality she had endured. (The Children of Ankh series)”
Kim Cormack
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“The lights flickered, the pain went away, and her mother was holding her, singing ‘Sleep sweet sleep’. (The Children of Ankh series) Kim Cormack”
Kim Cormack
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“Yes I am sure I am Super Woman now add more Spanx to the spandex in my suit please ;)”
Kim Cormack
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“There comes a time in everyones life when they discovers whether they are made of Teflon or Styrofoam.”
Kim Cormack
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