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Kim H. Krisco

The author of three books on leadership, is now delighted to follow in the footsteps of the master storyteller Sir Arthur Conan Doyle by adding five totally new Sherlock Holmes adventures to the canon in his new book: Sherlock Holmes-The Golden Years, Irregular Lives:The Untold Story of Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars, and The Celtic Phoenix and The Magnificent Madness of Tessa Wiggins -- all from MX Publishing in London.

Meticulously researched, all of Krisco’s stories read like mini historical novels. Indeed Kim trekked to Aviemore Scotland, and climbed Ben Macdui Mountain, so he could better capture the authentic feel of the setting for The Bonnie Bag of Bones – the first of Holmes’s post-retirement adventure: The Magnificent Madness of Tessa Wiggins, takes place in 1920 - Blaenau Ffestiniog, Wales. Tessa Wiggins’s “madness” is provoked by the adopted spirit of a two-thousand-year-old Druid priestess mentoring her to be the servant of The Earth Mother. When Tessa defies treatment, her lover asks a childhood friend, Sherlock Holmes, to intervene. But despite everyone’s best intentions, Tessa finds herself in Hellingford Asylum, where she is driven toward her final breaking point on All-Halloween.

Kim lives in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado with Sararose in cabins they built themselves.

For more information go to or call him at 719-859-4302.

“The moment we begin to define others and ourselves by how we are different, the seeds of separation are planted.”
Kim H. Krisco
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