(1)author of homoerotic romances
Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, back before computers, before email, before the internet–Imagine that!–a book junkie was born. That was me.
Fast forward three decades to a soft spring day in 1997, and find me contentedly reading my eleventy-thousandth romance novel. Sighing, I closed the book and say, “I can do that.”
Voilà! A writer was born!
Don’t worry, I’m not going to walk you through the intervening years day by day, project by project, rejection by rejection. A journey like that would involve far more wailing and gnashing of teeth than even I, with my flare for drama, could stand.
What I will do, is tell you that over the years I have written a little of everything including: a novel-length contemporary romance, two screenplays,
dozens of flash fictions and prose poems, short stories of varying lengths, novellas and most recently gay erotic romance.
Gustave Flaubert said, “Be regular and orderly in your life, so that you may be violent and original in your work.”
And I do. I live in a three-story Victorian with my husband, three cats and a yellow lab named Oliver. Most days I write (at least a little) and read quite a lot.
As to whether my work is violently original … achieving that goal may take the rest of my regular and orderly life.
“...Goddamn himself for letting his independence slip away from him. He didn't even know how it had happened, how he had lost the ability to function on his own, or what the hell he was going to do about it now.”