Kir Bulychev photo

Kir Bulychev

Kir Bulychev was a pen name of Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko, a Soviet Russian science fiction writer, critic, translator and historian. His magnum opus is a children's science fiction series Alisa Selezneva, although most of his books are adult-oriented. His books were adapted for film, TV, and animation over 20 times – more than any other Russian science fiction author – and Bulychev himself wrote scripts for early adaptations.

He began to write SF in 1965. He has translated numerous American SF stories into Russian.

Winner of the ESFS Awards in 1984 as the "Best Short Story Writer".

Winner of the Aelita award in 1997.

Other names:

Russian name - Кир Булычев

Russian real name (non-fiction books) - Игорь Можейко

Polish - Kir Bułyczow

Slovak - Kirill Bulyčov

Bulgarian - Кир Буличов

Finnish - Kirill Bulytšev

Lithuanian - Kirilas Bulyčiovas

German - Kirill Bulytschow

“Хронофаг - это чаще всего человек, который, не имея серьёзных занятий и не зная, что делать с собственным временем, принимается пожирать ваше..."Хронофаги”
Kir Bulychev
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