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Kirsten Olson

“Without ongoing training in tailoring instruction to individual learners (and support in doing so), “fault” for underperformance or disengagement from learning is frequently shifted to the child: The child is lazy, has an attitude problem, or refuses to work up to his or her potential. The child is enormously vulnerable in this system.”
Kirsten Olson
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“But if you believe that adults can ‘make’ children learn well—in the absence of or in defiance of a child’s inner sense of confident engagement with the power of discovery and mastery—then, in my view, you are placing that child at great risk of failure as a learner.”
Kirsten Olson
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“In fact, I think that our society expects schools to get students to the point where they do things only for outside rewards. People who perform tasks for their internal reasons are hard to control. Now, I don't think teachers get up in the morning and say to themselves, 'I', going to go to school today and take away all those young people's internal motivations' ...but that's exactly what often happens.”
Kirsten Olson
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