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Kitty Thomas

😈 Author of Comfort Food, published in early 2010: The OG (original gangster/the first) Dark Romance 😈


🩷 BIG SKY: A Dark Contemporary Standalone 🩷

“I’ve broken horses. I have never-ending patience with women.”

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“Big Sky is my favorite Kitty Thomas story. It’s taboo, hot, and so memorable, that years later I can still remember my feelings while reading.” ~ Aleatha Romig New York Times bestselling author

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🔥 COMFORT FOOD, the OG Dark Romance: 🔥

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Kitty began publishing in early 2010 with her bestselling, COMFORT FOOD.

Thank you for reading!

Kitty ^.^

“He always gave me choices. Or maybe what he gave me was force wrapped in the pretty package of pretend free will.”
Kitty Thomas
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“I'd convinced myself it would have been different if he'd been as ugly on the outside as he was on the inside, but he wasn't. He was cruel beauty, a sculpture, a god, and I couldn't tear my eyes from him. I'd seen his expression soften in the dungeon with the whip. I'd do anything to have him look at me like that again, no matter how insane he was.”
Kitty Thomas
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“She thought she was wrong? He was the one who got a hard-on every time she looked up at him with those desperate, brown eyes. Everything in his brain screamed: Prey. Take. Use. He wasn't exactly proud of it, but there it was.”
Kitty Thomas
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“When you became everything and everything became you, what was there to dispute? Everything just was.”
Kitty Thomas
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“Your indignant behavior over the slightest perceived gender inequality makes it almost certain that inequality is what you masturbate to at night.”
Kitty Thomas
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“If you haven't developed morals by the time you start reading erotica, it's probably too late.”
Kitty Thomas
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“I want to drink you until there’s nothing left. I want you to magically rematerialize so I can do it again. I want a phoenix that will rise from the ashes just so I can keep burning her. I thought I knew madness, but I didn’t know it before you.”
Kitty Thomas
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“You may get me to say the word, but know this, you will never truly own me. That right belongs to my real master. You may take his symbol off my hip, but there will always be a scar that reminds us both what was there. And you might take his collar off my throat, but you'll never erase his name from my soul.”
Kitty Thomas
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“The only thing you're safe from is everyone and everything else. I can protect you from literally anything but myself. Pray that i don't love you, Juliette. I'm scared of what will happen to you if i do" - The Last Girl”
Kitty Thomas
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“I felt that if he touched me, I'd die. and then the thought crawled into my brain that if he didn't touch me, I'd die.”
Kitty Thomas
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“Somewhere deep in my mind, I knew he could be my new ocean.”
Kitty Thomas
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“I'm your responsiblity now. You created me. You made me this way. This is your fucking mess. If you suddenly care about morality, then don't make me go. "Let me stay. I'll be your slave. I'll be your whore. I'll never fight you. I won't disobey. Whatever you want, just don't make me go back. Please. I can't live in that world anymore. You know it's true. I just want to be yours.”
Kitty Thomas
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“When you really thought about it crying was a rather bizarre thing for any creature to be capable of. What purpose did it serve other than revealing too much?”
Kitty Thomas
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“He said it with everything he did, every touch, every caress, every physical pleasure he bestowed upon me. Give it all to me. Give me your will.”
Kitty Thomas
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“His touch was like heroin in my veins, and I was a grateful addict.”
Kitty Thomas
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“I know I need him. And I hope he needs me. What we have is fucked up and twisted, but it serves a need. I know I've always been wired differently. He only brought to the surface what was already there.”
Kitty Thomas
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