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K.J. Wignall

K.J. Wignall is the author of "The Mercian Trilogy", the first book of which, "Blood" (September 2011 in the USA and UK), will be followed by "Alchemy" in 2012.

He is also the author of several adult thrillers and short stories, and has been nominated for awards in both America and the UK. His works have also been published in Germany, Finland, Japan, Russia and Poland.

You can find out more (crypts, ghosts, all the usual stuff) on his website and visit KJW on Facebook -


“The more that's known about the world, the more people seem determined to search for what is lost or hidden. There are archaeologists, treasure hunters, and ghost hunters--the legions of the curious--searching for secrets and the places that hold them. They ignore the possibility that some secrets are best kept, some places better left untouched....”
K.J. Wignall
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“Beware, William of Mercia, you heeded not our warnings and you can no longer turn back, but the path ahead is strewn with danger, to you, and to those who travel with you. This is but the beginning. The legions of the underworld await you, armies will seek to destroy you, but only you can know the true course.”
K.J. Wignall
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“Don't you see? The catastrophe is me. My very existence is an affront to everything that is natural and good.”
K.J. Wignall
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“It was as if the city itself was preparing for some impending catastrophe. There had always been talks of ghost and darkness here, even in his boyhood, and now that darkness seems to be seeping from the stones and timbers as much as it was descending from heavens.”
K.J. Wignall
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“If I didn't taste like dinner, I'd kiss you right now." "If you didn't taste like dinner, I'd kiss you back.”
K.J. Wignall
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“If there is a God, He abandoned me a long time ago.”
K.J. Wignall
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“You're nearly eight hundred years old and here you are, sitting on our sofa, and you're a vampire who needs our help. Of course.”
K.J. Wignall
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“It was instinct that drove him to hibernate, not choice, but he would have chosen it at that moment anyway because he saw that blood had nothing to offer him but more of this, standing in the shadows, watching other people live.”
K.J. Wignall
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“He wanted to believe her, but more importantly he believed in her because she knew already that he was quite lost, more lost than she would ever be, and yet she still believed in him.”
K.J. Wignall
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“You know, I don't think I've ever met anyone quite like you. You're like some old-fashioned knight." "Thank you, though it's been a while since I killed a dragon.”
K.J. Wignall
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