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K.M. Golland

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About Me:

Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, K.M. Golland is a best-selling hybrid published author and ranty, married mother of two with a very healthy high heel obsession. She’s also a self-confessed car-aholic, choc-aholic, and bridge-aholic who drinks her weight in tea.

“When I am with you I feel alive, like you are the missing part of me. And when I’m not with you I can’t stand it, I literally feel lost.”
K.M. Golland
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“Life is too short to worry about things that are out of your hands.”
K.M. Golland
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“Don’t be sorry, you were right, except for one thing. I have found my match.”
K.M. Golland
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“I can give you time and space, but I can’t promise how much. It is physically unbearable to be this close to you and not be able to touch you in all the places I know you like to be touched, and to taste you in all the places I know you like to be tasted. I can’t promise you my restraint will last for long.”
K.M. Golland
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“I know you feel it, Alexis. You want me between your legs just as badly as I want to be there.”
K.M. Golland
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“Jealousy is a self-inflicted curse. Be happy for others and live curse free.”
K.M. Golland
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“The sheer sight of her had the head on my shoulders deciding to have a quick chat to the head in my pants.”
K.M. Golland
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“I need a night out away from crayon drawings on the wall, mushed food in the carpets, and poo-splosions in nappies.”
K.M. Golland
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“Karma was a malicious bitch who always had the last laugh.”
K.M. Golland
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“Time and space were my best friends...until they became annoying bitches. And of course in that case, piss them off and find some new ones. Preferably alcohol and dancing. Now they were friends who could show me a great time.”
K.M. Golland
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“I was speechless and utterly craving what he had just declared.”
K.M. Golland
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“He was smirking the smirkiest smirk of all smirks to date. I laughed, even that smirk was hard to ignore. F**k, maybe I should call him Mr Smirk.”
K.M. Golland
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“A kitchen is not quite a kitchen without something stuck to the fridge.”
K.M. Golland
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“His biceps were simply mouth-watering, and those legs! I could imagine having those wrapped around me in a hot steamy bath. Alexis, I think you just drooled on yourself.”
K.M. Golland
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“He stepped backward and nodded while giving me that smirk. ‘ Ahh, Ms. Summers the pleasure has been all mine.’I couldn’t help but smile. ‘ Oh, Mr. Clark, by the way, it’s Mrs., not Ms.’Putting two fingers to his lips, he winked and turned. ‘ I know,’ he called behind him, and then he was gone.”
K.M. Golland
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“I groaned to myself, well at least I hope I groaned to myself, I couldn’t be one hundred percent sure I just didn’t open my mouth and let that groan come out.”
K.M. Golland
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“‘You and your creepy research, Mr. Clark.’‘It's what I do, Ms. Summers.’”
K.M. Golland
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“It is better to taste than to admire, I assure you.”
K.M. Golland
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“Thankfully, sleep means you do not have to communicate with the conscious world and those who are in it.”
K.M. Golland
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“Sometimes it’s wise not to dwell on the incomprehensible, for if you do, you waste those precious moments of actually accepting it for what it is.”
K.M. Golland
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