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K.M. Johnson

KM Johnson Davis is an internationally known Speaker, Business Consultant, Coach, Christian Minister, Author, and Leadership Trainer & Advisor. She is the Executive Director of Faith By Design, and Principal of Emergeify, Inc. a Consultancy Firm.

KM has served over 15 years in the US Army as both an Enlisted Soldier and Officer. During that time she deployed to Bosnia and Iraq, and was stationed in the Netherlands on assignment for NATO. In spite of growing up on the Mississippi Gulf Coast, she has a unique perspective on leadership, what it takes to accomplish goals, live on purpose and achieve what some may see as the impossible.

KM shares her knowledge and experience worldwide through speaking engagements, seminars, articles, her radio talk show and her books. Attendees of KM's seminars and courses appreciate her enthusiasm, energy, and ability to make achieving one’s dreams a reality.

“Just because you're in a situation, doesn't mean you have to be that situation. You're not the situation you're in!”
K.M. Johnson
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