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Koko Brown

Koko Brown is the pseudonym for a quintessential erotic romance junkie who once read over 200 Zebra Club novels the summer before her senior year in high school.

Koko’s writing career began at the tender age of nine when she self-published and distributed a newspaper to her fellow classmates. Unfortunately, her grade school school principal didn’t appreciate the competition and put her out of business after one best-selling issue.

Undaunted, Koko continued to write and read everything she could get her hands on. She honed her writing skills as a staff writer on her college’s newspaper, writing obituaries for the local newspaper, and teaching English to high school students.

One day while daydreaming in bed, Koko came up with the idea for her first erotic manuscript. Taking a hiatus from teaching, she had enough time on her hands to flesh out the story in two short weeks. A week later, she cleaned it up, then sent it to Ellora’s Cave during the Christmas holiday. By January she heard from one of their editors and by March (and many revisions) she signed a contract for her vampire novel Charmed.

Calling the east coast of Florida home, this multipublished author of interracial erotic romance loves to travel, shop in thrift stores, ride motorcycles, renovate houses, and volunteering.

“Unless Robbie and Chris wanted to her to be a surrogate mother, this would be her first and last pregnancy. She and morning sickness were not seeing eye-to-eye.”
Koko Brown
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