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Kresley Cole

Kresley Cole is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the electrifying Immortals After Dark paranormal series, the young adult Arcana Chronicles series, the erotic Gamemakers series, and five award-winning historical romances.

A master’s grad and former athlete, she has traveled over much of the world and draws from those experiences to create her memorable characters and settings.

Her IAD books have been translated into 23 foreign languages, garnered three RITA awards, a RWA Hall of Fame induction, and consistently appear on the bestseller lists, in the U.S. and abroad.

Cole lives in Florida with her family. Learn more about Kresley at: &

“Outside, I muttered, 'Let us set you up?' I already cleaned you out of PowerBars, bitch”
Kresley Cole
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“Greedy for more?"Grinding his hardness against her hip,he nuzzled her neck,her ear,murmuring words in Russian.His warn breaths against her made her shiver wildly."Wh-what did you say?""I talked filth in your ear."Voice gone ragged,he said,"I told you that you've got the prettiest little pussy I've ever seen,and then I told you what I'm going to do with it.”
Kresley Cole
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“I got nothing. Even the spies I’m spying on who are spying on other spies got nothing.”
Kresley Cole
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“I spent the morning as the ceiling in the warlocks’ tent. Found out that the hobbies of Those Best Forgotten include long walks on the beach and sacrificing nymphs on altars. I mean, who’d want to hurt a nymph? That’s like kicking a rainbow in the nuts.”
Kresley Cole
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“Five houses?” Lothaire had sneered, cutting Trehan off. “You all live under one roof now. Mine. Because I’m the king of the castle.” Then his red eyes had grown vacant, and he’d begun muttering about “Lizvetta’s lingerie.”Trehan had been … underwhelmed by the Enemy of Old’s attention span.”
Kresley Cole
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“I need you to scry for Lousha," he said. "You told me once that you could.""Yeah, I can get you in her vicinity."Garreth had taken Lucia's scent into him and could find her from miles away."That'll work." Witches could come in handy, he supposed."But I don't do gratis."Garreth bluidy hated witches! "Charge me what you will! Just give me the fucking coordinates."In the background, he heard Bowen say, "Mari, never let it be said that I doona support your extortion--""Entrepreneurial-ness," she corrected."But a family discount, love, would no' be amiss.""The whole family? Fine," she said. "I'm scrying." While Garreth waited, she groused about how extended the "MacRieve pack" was.”
Kresley Cole
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“As Damiano strolled to the back platform, he returned her smile, white teeth against bronzed skin, then he dropped into the water. The man was sex on a stick.MacRieve stepped in front of her, clasping her nape, jealousy ablaze in his expression. "Eyes on the prize, woman. It's a werewolf you'll have, or none at all.”
Kresley Cole
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“We have loyalty, fidelity, honor--All three are overrated. The only chance you have to demonstrate any of them is to deny yourself something or someone you desire.”
Kresley Cole
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“This morning Jackson had told Matthew, "You mention death one more time, and I"ll knock you into next week. Comprends?""Already been there," Matthew had answered.”
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“You’re arrogant.” “I’m Dacian. You can’t have one without the other.”
Kresley Cole
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“She looked as if she were a vampire about to check the time—with a sundial.”
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“A king of a kingdom no one fucking knows about! I'm the tree in the forest that silently falls--when no one is around to be crushed! [Lothaire, Enemy of Old]”
Kresley Cole
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“Tera, I need a favor. I need you to translate something." "Indeed. And why should I help you?" Lucia said, "To stop an apocalypse." Then she explained where she and MacRieve were and the highlights of the threat. Once she'd finished, Tera sighed. "Can you take a picture of the symbols and e-mail them?" "What's your e-mail addy?" Lucia asked. "Hmm. Thegreatestarcherever at gmail dot com.""Surely the greatest archer ever had already taken that one?" Tera said tightly, "Terafey at thenoblefey dot com." "Pics are on their way.”
Kresley Cole
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“[…] But you doona plan to deprive Bowen and me of a fight?" Garreth had answered, "So as to no' piss off a vampire queen and the most powerful witch ever to live? Oh, aye." "What are you planning?""Steal the arrow from Lousha, sneak off, shoot the god. Then I'll come back with a present and an apology, promising she can shoot the next god.”
Kresley Cole
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“[…] Lachlain said, "Before you go, I wanted to pass on some advice. Emma told me that to win your mate, you have to accept Regin. The two are thick as thieves. Always have been. Since they were children." "So calling Regin a glowing bluidy freak dinna help my cause? On top of the lie? Christ, I've bollixed this up.”
Kresley Cole
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“MacRieve had been roaring in his cage in the basement for hours now, […] "Let me the bluidy hell out of here!" sounded up from below. Regin glared at Lucia, as if this were her fault. "He is harshing my buzz, and I am" – Regin turned to yell over her shoulder – "not interested!" "Open this fucking cage, you glowing bluidy freak!" Gods, he was fierce.”
Kresley Cole
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“He found her not even a block away from the house, sitting on a curb.As he approached, he saw her wiping her face with her forearm.Sabine was...crying? "What are you doing out here, cwena?" Over the past week, Rydstrom had been pleased when she'd worried about him, and gratified when she'd felt the sting of jealousy. Was he a terrible man to hope she was crying about him?She glared at him with her bottom lip quivering, allowing him to see her like this instead of using a mask. "I d-don't have anywhere else to g-go." Another swipe of her forearm over her eyes. "Lanthe's gone, and I c-can't get to her for six days. And I'm in a strange t-town and land, and Vrekeners are everywhere."Sabine hadn't even mentioned what they'd just gone through-"And you br-broke up with me!" she said, her tears falling faster. "Is that supposed to make me happy?""Come inside, Sabine.""No! You t-told me not to." She sniffled, "You don't want me at your house."He swooped her up in his arms. "Will you shut up?" With his free hand, he brushed her tears. "I made it ten minutes before I came after you.”
Kresley Cole
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“I lived in the royal library, among all the books.""You resided in a... library?""There were suites inside and great balconies that overlooked the city, but yes. I was most content among those shelves, so one night, I simply never left.”
Kresley Cole
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“We're more cerebral than physical.""Your cerebrum can't have an orgasm.”
Kresley Cole
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“Tell me, Lothaire, I want to know. Convince me why I should love you.”“Because any other female would!”
Kresley Cole
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“Old as carbon," Nix agreed. "And so powerful I'm working on my demigoddess badges.”
Kresley Cole
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“I said alone!”He nodded in agreement. “Aye, you usually say that, and I still stay. It’s our way.”
Kresley Cole
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“As he slept, his heartbeat returned to slow and steady, lulling her. Before she joined him, she decided that she never wanted to sleep without that sound again.”
Kresley Cole
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“Mel scoffed. “Eves, on the scale from wholesome to whoresome, you’re practically Amish.”
Kresley Cole
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“The abyss doesn't stare back. It winks.”
Kresley Cole
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“The best way to get over a man is to get under an Italian.”
Kresley Cole
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“How do you plan to keep me here during the day? An unblooded Forbearer shouldn’t be so hard to vanquish.”Vanquished by her? Amusing. “I’ll send you back to the cell. You want to be my pet? I’ll take you out and put you back in your cage at my pleasure.”She blinked at him. “You don’t want to send me back. Who will entertain you? I can deal poker and make shadow animals.”
Kresley Cole
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“Why would I kill to know what she's thinking right now? Probably because I enjoy killing.”
Kresley Cole
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“Then, with grave formality, he unsheathed his sword."How old is that thing? Have you had it carbon dated?"He looked aghast, as if she’d insulted his grandmother. "Hey, no disrespecting The Sword. Besides, it’s only three or four centuries old.""Only? I would think that technology has improved since then. Why wouldn’t you get a new one?""I’m on my way to, remember? Try to keep up, halfling.”
Kresley Cole
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“He stole credit for my research. And he was after the code I’m working on now."Cade went still, fury spiking through him. "Holly, I’m going to give you his throat for this.""Aw, you say the sweetest things, demon." She stood on tiptoe and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips.Deciding he’d kill Tim for her anyway, he relaxed and said, "I know how to play those heartstrings, yeah?"She unbuckled Cade’s belt. "I called him a fuckwit tosser.""That’s my girl." He stripped off her top, then his shirt. "Are you coming on to me to get back at him?""Probably." Down went his zipper."I’m okay with that.”
Kresley Cole
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“Now, after my confession, I felt battered, like one of those dolls that always bounces back up when hit. But here's the thing - those silly dolls get hit all the more for it.”
Kresley Cole
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“She took me to a mall yesterday"' Lachlain sounded as if he'd just stifled a shudder. "And she pointed to a boy and said, 'I think I want one.' So naturally, I start thinking, Where can I get a wee mortal? But she meant a bairn—our bairn.”
Kresley Cole
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“Witch, he's not coming back," the demon Rydstrom told Mari. "Don't waste your time waiting for him."Cade asked Mari, "What did you do to the Lykae anyway?"She absently murmured, "I've killed him."Mari glanced away from the entrance when met with silence. "He won't regenerate from injuries," she explained. "Unless he returns to me to have it reversed, the hex will eventually destroy him."Tierney, who looked to be Tera's younger brother, said, "You made him mortal?"They all seemed shocked at her viciousness, except for Cade, who as far as she could tell from his demonic countenance, appeared admiring. "Remind me not to piss you off, witch," he said.”
Kresley Cole
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“MacRieve, you're on my cloak. Let up -. Give it back!""It was slowing you - and therefore me - down.""If you had gone first - ""I dinna. If you want it, why no' use magick to take it from me?""You really do not want me to do that.""You really must no' want your cloak back. Come then, witchling, just take it from me.""Keep the cloak. It'll be worth money one day.""Doona fret, witch. You're no' so unbecoming from my angle. Bit scrawny where it counts, but no' too bad.""Scrawny where it counts, MacRieve? Funny, I'd heard the same about you.""No' likely. Maybe you're just too young to have heard the rumors about Lykae males. Tender wee ears and such.”
Kresley Cole
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“Age before beauty, Mr. MacRieve. If you think you can fit.""Only humans call me Mr. MacRieve.""I'm not a human. So would you like me to call you Bowen, or Bowe for short?""Bowe is what my friends call me, so you doona.""No problem. I have a slew of other more fitting names for you. Most of them end in er.""You in the tunnel first.""Don't you think it'd be unbecoming for me to be on my hands and knees in front of you? Besides, you don't need my lantern to see in the dark, and if you go first, you'll be sure to lose me and get to the prize first.""I doona like anything, or anyone, at my back. And you'll have your little red cloak on, so I will no' be able to see anything about you that might be... unbecoming.""Twisting my words? I'll have you know that I am criminally cute - ""Then why hide behind a cloak?""I'm not hiding. And I like to wear it. Fine. Beauty before age.”
Kresley Cole
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“Horses have powerful legs- but that doesn't mean they're prima ballerinas.Elianna to Mariketa.”
Kresley Cole
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“You think I should use magick like mine to open a tomb?" Mari asked in a scoffing tone. Mistress of bluffing, working it here. "That'd be like calling you in to lift a feather.”
Kresley Cole
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“And they just let you enter after their effort?""What should they have done, Mr MacRieve?""I know exactly what I would have done.""I know exactly how I would have retaliated.”
Kresley Cole
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“Mariketa: Stalking me, Mr MacRieve?Bowen: No' likely, witch. I only stalk what I want to catch.”
Kresley Cole
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“Witches are good for one thing and only one thing.Tinder.Bowen Graeme MacRieve.”
Kresley Cole
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“Ugly on the inside!" she'd screamed. "I could never love you!"She truly hadn't fallen for him.For him.Which indicated that she was an idiot. He had no time or patience for them.”
Kresley Cole
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“Somebody want to explain to me why those soldiers were shooting each other?'(...)'Inbreeding?”
Kresley Cole
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“Matthew, exactly how psychic are you?So psychic that other psychics should be called Mattics.”
Kresley Cole
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“Is it so bad being directed if you like where you’re headed?”
Kresley Cole
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“Aww, did we masturbate through the tears last night?”
Kresley Cole
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“Apparently, he’d killed so many family members that he must have significantly affected the Lore’s population. Doing my part for the environment.”
Kresley Cole
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“These militiamen were what Jackson would call cou rouge. Because they were seriously red of the neck.”
Kresley Cole
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“At that, the initial mrowr pfft pfft I'd felt transformed into I will cut a bitch.”
Kresley Cole
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“My looks had gone from well-kempt cheerleader to apocalyptic disasterpiece.”
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“You have two choices, grasshopper. Out-slut Clotile - or go Springer on her ass. I'm down for the assist in both scenarios.”
Kresley Cole
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