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Kresley Cole

Kresley Cole is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the electrifying Immortals After Dark paranormal series, the young adult Arcana Chronicles series, the erotic Gamemakers series, and five award-winning historical romances.

A master’s grad and former athlete, she has traveled over much of the world and draws from those experiences to create her memorable characters and settings.

Her IAD books have been translated into 23 foreign languages, garnered three RITA awards, a RWA Hall of Fame induction, and consistently appear on the bestseller lists, in the U.S. and abroad.

Cole lives in Florida with her family. Learn more about Kresley at: &

“You leave me tied up like a dog? Then you had better remember that this bitch bites!”
Kresley Cole
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“People think happiness will simply fall into their laps. You have to aspire to it. And sometimes you have to seize it when it’s kicking and screaming.”
Kresley Cole
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“And exactly how old are you MacRieve ?""Twelve hundreds, give or take.""Great Hekate, you're a relic. Don't you have a museum exhibit to be in somewhere ?”
Kresley Cole
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“Similar situation ? Like the one where you put me in fear for my life, then let go of that damned vine to heartlessly build my fear ? MacRieve, I hope I enthralled you. Then you can rot wanting me to be yours.”
Kresley Cole
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“It figures—it’s always either the butler or the resurrected mate.”
Kresley Cole
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“Two things that can never be contained? Velociraptors and zombies. ~Carrow Graie”
Kresley Cole
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“...when men like us do change, the change is profound.”
Kresley Cole
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“Now you're just being silly. He's a mercenary- he's not going to go about penning love letters, and really, what would he write? ' you...grrr?'" Olivia to Annalia”
Kresley Cole
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“When Rydstrom shut the door, Cade stared at it for long moments.At length, he turned for the steps. "Fuckall," he said on a stunned breath. "Does this mean I'm no longer the bad brother...?”
Kresley Cole
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“What are you trying to prove?" Lucia demanded.Between strikes, he bellowed, "That you should no' have left me!""You were going to do it to me--don't bother denying it!" When he didn't, she said, "Then why are you different?" Another volley of arrows. "What gives you the right to risk yourself?"He snapped, "Because you could move on if something happened to me.”
Kresley Cole
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“Fate has a way of getting what she wants, no matter how we try to avoid it.”
Kresley Cole
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“Cadeon, can you hear me?"He didn't open his eyes. "Nothing wrong with my ears.""Of course not." She laid the cloth on his forehead. "So . . you and Tera seemed close.""Been through a lot.""Was she your girlfriend?"He gave a laugh that sounded like a grunt. "Not at all.""And you really didn't sleep with Imatra?""Bloody hell, noooo, I didn't . . . She's a slag.""Then why did you kiss her?" Holly asked."Directions. . . and to see.""To see what?""That it wouldn't be all that bad without you."This was interesting. "Did you make a determination?"He gave a bitter laugh. "It'll be all that bad."Oh, Cadeon. "You've known I was your female for a year?" He nodded. "Why I would be chosen for you?""Fate decides . . . who I can be most satisfied with."Nibbling her lip, she asked, "Have you slept with anyone else since you knew it was me?""Gave a halfhearted try for a witch . . . she wanted a werewolf instead."There was no getting around it--Holly was jealous of the witch.But then Cadeon said, "And I wanted you.”
Kresley Cole
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“If I have to scour the entire earth, I'll hunt her down. I will no' falter. One day I will bring my female back to my home - back to my bed...She was born to be found by me.-Garreth MacRieve, King of all Lykae”
Kresley Cole
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“Whenever you have a sorcerer betwixt your thighs, your powers tend to disappear”
Kresley Cole
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“Have you ever fought an opponent you had no defense against? Like a fire breather or an acid spitter?""Once I faced a female with diamond skin," Nix said breathlessly. "I was transfixed - even as she was choking the life out of me.""Really?""No, I saw that character on X-Men. I just wanted to commiserate. Alas, I have no weaknesses.”
Kresley Cole
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“Well maybe we need to Cesar Millan their asses and show them who's boss. Tsst, tsst!”
Kresley Cole
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“This is the first time I've really looked at my reflection in months." To the Lykae [Bowen], she said, "No wonder you love me. Could I be any cuter?”
Kresley Cole
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“Let's put the fun back in funeral!”
Kresley Cole
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“You've maddened me for you...have changed everything. So, I'm going to f*ck you long and hard, beauty, because if I'm to be enslaved by you-I want to be your master as well. ”
Kresley Cole
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“Five years of hell. You deserve to be fucked till you can't walk.”
Kresley Cole
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“Take it out, then.”
Kresley Cole
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“Mari began to suspect that this reflection was going to prove to be like that little computer paperclip assistant -- at first it helps, but after a while you just want the paperclip to die.”
Kresley Cole
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“You will be leaving, of course.""Or I could help you.""I've had a bit of practice bathing myself and I think I can stumble my way through this.”
Kresley Cole
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“We want you gone. Your presence is obviously upsetting for her.""Oh, aye, the poor, wee lass -- who tossed me like a skipping stone.”
Kresley Cole
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“a man would know the women he was meant to be with because she made him weak. Till he claimed her and she made him strong.”
Kresley Cole
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“I think I just fell into like with him.”
Kresley Cole
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“Those who betray me only do so once. ~Malkom Slaine (Demon From the Dark)”
Kresley Cole
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“Puck laughed, and it wasn't like that weird high-pitched giggle she'd heard out of children before, the one that begged the question: why would one possibly tickle a child just to elicit that noise? ”
Kresley Cole
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