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Kristan Higgins

“Maybe love isn’t justa bouquet of roses once in a while. Maybe it’s just sticking it out, when it’s hard, when you’re mad, whenyou’re tired.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Maybe love isn't just a bouquet of roses once in a whole. Maybe it's just sticking it out, when it's hard, when you're mad, when you're tired.”
Kristan Higgins
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“The love of your life won't be the man you end up with, and you'll always compare the two.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Love came when you weren't looking, except in the case of millions who found mates on, but, hey. It sounded good.”
Kristan Higgins
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“It's safe to be in love with someone you know you'll never have. Nothing is really risked when you know you can't lose. He was a distraction, an excuse, and a friend. No more, no less.”
Kristan Higgins
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“God grant me the courage to date the men who aren't idiots, the serenity to accept the fact that many men are idiots, and the wisdom to know the difference”
Kristan Higgins
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“Instead of answering, I just wrapped my arms around him and kissed him for all I was worth. Because when you meet The One, you just know.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Here's the thing, Grace," Cal said, a smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "Ever since that first day when you smacked me in the head with your field hockey stick-""You just can't let that go, can you?" I muttered.He grinned fully now. "-and even when you hit me with the rake and dented my truck, and when you were spying on me from your attic and your dog was mauling me, Grace, I always knew you were the one for me.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'm a bleeping idiot.”
Kristan Higgins
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“And all that 'don't want to lose you' is utter bullshit. But just in case it's true, guess what? You did lose me. Just now.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Where's your fiancé?" Trevor asks casually. I stiffen slightly, and Trevor steps back a little. "Well," I breathe. "Um, we sort of broke up."Trevor's eyes widen a fraction, an eyebrow raising in surprise. He stops dancing, but none of the other couples seem to notice, too caught up in being in love. "Why?" Trevor whispers, still holding my hand, his arm still around me.My hearts thumps harder, slower, each beat waiting for my answer as I stare into Trevor's eyes. I open my mouth to give some answer, some casual it-didn't-work-out kind of thing. But instead, I hear myself say something else entirely."Because he wasn't you.”
Kristan Higgins
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“But I hardly hear anyone, because Trevor is kissing me and whispering, over and over, "I love you, Chas. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Kristan Higgins
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“I've loved you my whole life, Chas, from that first day you took me home after Michelle died. And I'm terrified you'll leave me or you'll stop loving me or even worse, something will happen to you. But I can't be without you anymore." He takes my hands, which are shaking wildly, and swallows."Today I watched Mike give away the woman he loves. I can't do that, Chas. I thought I could, I thought it would be better if you were with someone else, but I was wrong. And I swear to you, I will love you the rest of my life and nothing will ever come before you. Please, Chastity. Forgive me and marry me and have a bunch of babies with me, and I'll-”
Kristan Higgins
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“Nick,” I murmured, “should I ever head into the cellar armed only with a ladle after the police have just warned me that a psychotic killer is on the loose, please slap me.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Ten bucks says the virgin dies before the slut,” I said, taking a sip of my soda.“You’re on. Oh, hey, don’t go in the shower, for God’s sake,” Nick advised the scantily dressed college student on the screen as she tiptoed into the bathroom. He stuffed a fistful of popcorn into his mouth. “Well, okay, there you go,” he added as she was slashed to death by Freddy’s fingernails. “Can’t say I didn’t warn you. Your poor parents.”
Kristan Higgins
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“The sun was so bright outside that for a moment, I couldn’t see. But then I could, and there he was, leaning against the red Mustang, hands in his pockets, looking at the ground. He looked up, saw me, froze for a second…and then his lightning smile flashed, and I realized I was smiling, too.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Then he slid his hand into my hair and pulled me closer, and when he kissed me, my heart hurt from happiness, if such a thing was possible. “I missed you,” I whispered against his mouth.”
Kristan Higgins
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“I stand up, trying to shake myself mentally. Get over him, Maggie, I instruct myself. I need to stop. I really do. I want to. I’m going to. I sound like a drug addict. Perhaps there’s a twelve-step program for me. Priest Lovers Anonymous.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Then James took Parker’s hands, and without waiting, gave her a long, hot kiss that made her nearly forget there were a hundred people watching. Then he pulled back and smiled that full, wonderful grin, his dark eyes so happy. “Parker,” he said, “always lovely to see you.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Say it, woman.""It. Woman.""God, you're a pain.”
Kristan Higgins
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“She smiled, and there it was again, that aching pressure in his chest. Love, or a heart attack. Kind of the same thing.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Tried be cheerful, tried be upbeat, tried not to let my feelings show, not to blame him, not to mind when day after day, week after week, his nonchalance eroded my heart. Sometimes, being an optimist was quite the fucking effort.”
Kristan Higgins
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“My mouth went dry, my heart clattered. "Nick, don't leave. Don't go," I said unevenly. "Look, it's not that I'm not, you know... it's just that this is all really new and sudden, and it's hard—""It's not hard for me!" he barked, causing both the cabbie and me to jump. "Harper, I've loved you all my adult life, but you just can't believe that, and nothing I do will change your mind. You want a guarantee, you want a fucking crystal ball to see the future, and I can't give you one. The only thing I can say is that I love you, I always have. I always will, but somehow that's not good enough for you. And I just can't do this anymore.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Here. Let me untangle your hair, at least. If we need to run, we can't have you stuck.""I don't think Bob's up for running," I said."Then you'll take my horse.""What about you?""I'll stay here and whittle a sword and kill the bear or, if that doesn't work, I'll just be eaten alive, happily sacrificing my life for yours." He gave me a look. "Or I'll just stay on the horse and you can sit behind me. Satan can hold two, I'm sure.""Oh, so you're a cowboy now? I wasn't aware that architects were also masters of horseflesh. You and Satan BFFs now? Practiced your stunt-riding this morning?""My dad gave me a few lessons.""When? When you were six?""Well, you know, Harper, maybe we should just stay here and bicker until the bear can't stand it anymore and kills us both. Would that make you happy?”
Kristan Higgins
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“I also promise to let you help name any baby your mom and me might have-""Mistake. We'll have a kid named Chewbacca.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Love gets used up, Chastity. If it's not returned, it gets used up.”
Kristan Higgins
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“It’s just that sometimes you love a kid just because they need it. Not because they deserve it, not because you really like them…just because they need love.”
Kristan Higgins
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“But they're family, and you forgive them, even if they are human equivalent of hyenas. Because that's what you do, Posey. Forgive.”
Kristan Higgins
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“But you know, if you're looking for love, there's always the mirror.”
Kristan Higgins
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“If you don't want to have a baby, that's fine. And if you want sex on the kitchen table, you'll get it." He glared down at his wife. "But you're coming home, and you're coming home now, and I will be happy to discuss this further once you're naked and in my bed." He paused. "Or on the table." His face flushed. "And the next time you leave me, you'd better mean it, woman, because I'm not going to be treated like a doormat. Understand?”
Kristan Higgins
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“Quiet down! You're supposed to be dead!" snapped a passing Union soldier."This is a private conversation," Margaret snapped back."This is a battle," he hissed."No, honey, this is called pretending. I hate to break it to you, but we're not really in the Civil War. If you'd like to feel a bit more authentic, I'd be happy to stick this bayonet up your ass.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Dance class, huh?" he said. "You don't look the type.""And what does that mean?" I asked."You're not built like a dancer," he commented."You should probably stop talking now," I advised."Got a little bit more meat on your bones than those girls you see on TV.""You should definitely stop talking now." I glared.”
Kristan Higgins
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“I'm at a bar with a woman! So there, you disgusting whore! And I'm going to take her back to our house and I'm going to have sex with her!" His voice grew louder and louder, cracking with an intensity. "That's right! On the couch, in our bed, on the kitchen floor, on the goddamn kitchen table! How do you like that, you cheating, miserable skank?" Then he flipped his phone shut, looked at me and smiled. "So where were we?" he asked pleasantly.”
Kristan Higgins
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“You shouldn't give him a ride, Grace!" Meme snapped. "He's likely to strangle you and dump your body in the lake.""Is this true?" I asked Callahan."I was thinking about it," he admitted.”
Kristan Higgins
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“When an eighty-five pound mammal licks your tears away, then tries to sit on your lap, it's hard to feel sad.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Nicole’s door opened, and she stomped down the hall. “I have something to say,” she said, giving him the Slitty Eyes of Death. “You’re totally unfair, and if I run away, you shouldn’t be surprised.” “Don’t make me put a computer chip in your ear,” Liam answered. “It’s not funny! I hate you.” “Well, I love you, even if you did ruin my life by turning into a teenager,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “Did you study for your test?” “Yes.” “Good.” He looked at his daughter—so much like Emma, way too pretty. Why weren’t there convent schools anymore? Or chastity belts? “Want some supper? I saved your plate.” She rolled her eyes with all the melodrama a teenager could muster. “Fine. I may as well become a fat pig since I can’t ever go on a date.” “That’s my girl,” he said and, grinning, got up to heat up her dinner.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Ground rules, Tanner,” he growled. Tanner paled. More good. “No alcohol. No smoking. No drugs. No looking at other girls. You can dance with my daughter. Your hands will avoid the danger zones, which are here, here and here.” Liam gestured to his chest, groin and ass. “You can kiss her. Once. At 10:59 p.m. tonight, when you’ll be standing here once again. I will be on the other side of this door, waiting for her. Am I clear?” “Yes, sir,” Tanner whispered. “I was your age once, too,” Liam said. “I’m aware of that, sir.” “I know what you think about.” “I’m sorry.” “You can think it. You can’t do it.” “Okay.” “I have many sharp tools in my garage.” “Yes, sir.” “We’re clear, then?” “Very, sir.” “Good!” Liam smiled, then grabbed the boy by the shoulder and dragged him in. “Nicole! Your date’s here.”
Kristan Higgins
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“His child was now officially smarter than he was, and he didn’t like it.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Liam's face grew serious. "I'll take good care of you, Cordelia. I promise.”
Kristan Higgins
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“You should probably marry me." He smiled.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Cordelia, " he said quietly, his smile fading. "I seem to be in love you.”
Kristan Higgins
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“I'd wait as long as you needed, as long as Nicole needed. But I know you feel something for me, and I love you, and I've never felt this way about anyone, ever. I want to be with you. I want you to pick me. I know Emma will always be your first love, and that's fine. But don't just...don't just let me go.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Don't be nice to me," she whispered, though she didn't move away. "I might cry if you are.”
Kristan Higgins
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“He only stopped walking when his arms were around her and his mouth was on hers. She made a surprised little squeak, but oh, God, her lips were so soft, and he kissed her hard, too hard, maybe, one hand sliding through her silky, cool hair, gripping the back of her head, a kiss that reached right in and clamped his heart in a fist…the taste of her, the smell of her, her softness melded against him. The kind of kiss that ruined a man.Then he let her go, turned around and left her standing on the dock, one hand over her lips, her dog standing at her side.”
Kristan Higgins
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“So you can’t marry Harry, Mom! Not if you still love Daddy!” I sound like a ten-year-old, but I can’t help it. Buttercup comes over to me and puts her head on my lap.“Love gets used up, Chastity,” Mom says gently, reaching up to smooth my hair. “If it’s not returned, it gets used up.”
Kristan Higgins
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“Then before he could break the moment, before he could turn away, I kissed him, and he didn’t stop me. Instead, he pushed my hair out of my face, and he kissed me back, gently, sweetly, his hand slipping behind my head, his lips moving just right against mine, smooth and warm. I gripped his shirt and sighed against his mouth, and knew that as long as I lived, this would be the one perfect kiss that I’d remember forever.”
Kristan Higgins
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“sometimes our hearts just need time to accept what are heads already know”
Kristan Higgins
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“Love made you a better person. Made you feel protected and precious and chosen. Chosen such a lovely word! And in loving someone else you became better...noble and generous and beneficent.”
Kristan Higgins
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“....And then I turned and saw a guy staring at me...."What are you looking at, idiot?" I asked, giving him the sneer that had served me so well."My future wife. The mother of my children.”
Kristan Higgins
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“I've made up boyfriends too' Karen said, nodding her head slowly. 'The best man I ever dated was all in my head' 'Thank you!' I exclaimed.”
Kristan Higgins
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