I am a southern belle at heart with a crazy streak that desperately tries to escape at every opportunity. I love all things nostalgic, rustic, and quirky. I've been told I see the world through rose-colored glasses, but I prefer to think of them as kaleidoscope glasses - swirling and morphing reality into something I can digest (who hasn't pretended those pasty lima beans were really kiwi strawberry jelly beans?).
I am the author of the DAUGHTERS OF THE SEA series, which includes FORSAKEN, AWAKEN, CHOSEN, HEARKEN, PROVEN (2014).I love all books, but really enjoy writing young adult, paranormal romances. I've loved to write for as long as I can remember. My first published work was my poem RED in second grade (you guessed it - it was a poem about the color red - life altering, I know) that won me 5 gold stars and a spot in my elementary school's poetry book. That's when my addiction to the written word officially began. I was the only kid in fifth grade that actually enjoyed diagramming sentences. Go ahead and laugh - its okay.
When I'm not writing I'm making jewelry, painting, drinking sweet tea, watching the discovery channel, or going on random adventures in the mountains of North Carolina with my amazing husband.
“I make you nervous,” he whispered. It wasn’t a question, but a statement. The smirk on his face told me he knew it was true. - Finn (Forsaken)”
“Unfortunately those eyes - his eyes - never fade. They’ve haunted my dreams for years.” - Hannah (Forsaken)”
“Love turns the strongest of men into warriors. When a man has someone to fight for, he's capable of moving mountains."- Finn, Chosen”
“Between the ‘death bridge’ and our little chat with the Queen of the Damned, I’ve decided I should carry a gun at all times; whether it’s to defend myself or to put myself out of my own misery,” Carmen rambled on nervously. “It’s a win-win situation, really.”
“It sure is,” I said matter-of-factly. “In fact, we might just be a power couple like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie…minus the twenty kids. They’d call us Finnastasia.” “That sounds like a foot fungus.” “Anafinn?” I tried again. “Sounds like a blood pressure medicine.” “Well, it’s definitely your name throwing it off,” I teased him. “’Anastasia’ has a slew of possibilities, but ‘Finn’ is pretty one dimensional.” I scrunched my nose at him in dissatisfaction.”
“Just as I'd felt the warmth of darkness, I could feel the cool breeze of divinity.”
“Just as I felt the warmth of darkness, I could feel the cool breeze of divnity ”
“I don't care if you wear a muu muu or a tutu, you'll still be beautiful.""That's the sweetest thing anyone's ever said to me," I joked with him. "And you get extra points for making it rhyme.”
“I write love poems when I'm not rapping. It comes naturally." He winked at me."If you start rapping, I promise you I'll throw myself off this platform.”
“I'm seriously beginning to worry about you guys," Willow sighed from the arm chair and looked up from her laptop with discord, "Being asked out in the middle of a hurricane is not romantic. It's totally reckless and irresponsible.""And totally hot," added Carmen.”
“Willow sat up on her elbows and shook her head, "I'm allergic to exercise. Ya'll have fun.”
“There was no time for chit-chat when there were chocolate chip pancakes to be eaten.”
“The only thing I really missed was sitting next to one very extraordinary girl.” I didn’t think I was breathing anymore. “She sounds wonderful.” I tried some humor to shake off my nervousness. “You have no idea.”
“I should be getting back to the bonfire. They’re going to think I’ve been kidnapped.” He pulled me toward him in one quick motion. “Kidnapped insinuates some sort of struggle.” He said in a low voice with a sexy grin. “You’d enjoy being captured by me.” My heart jumped in my throat, but I tried to remain cool. “I’d like to see you try,” I threw back at him, “but first you’ll have to escape your own sandy death trap” I wiggled my feet out of the sand, stood up and washed my hands off in the water. He followed my every move with curious eyes. “Sweet dreams, Anastasia.” I wasn’t sure if there was an underlying meaning to his words. “Sweet dreams, Finn,” I responded, breathlessly.”
“If that’s all you’ve got, I’m not too worried,” he taunted me. I dipped my hand in the wet sand, grabbing a handful. I slowly raised it above his head threatening to release it. Before I even noticed, he caught my wrist and pulled it back down. Holding my eyes, he delicately threaded his fingers through mine, while the wet sand squished out. The gesture was somehow very intimate and a shiver ran down my spine. The wet sand ran down my arm but I didn’t even notice. We stayed like that, hand in hand, facing the ocean for what seemed like hours.”
“Being afraid reminds us how alive we are. What makes you afraid, Stasia?” I felt my legs get wobbly. “Nothing scares me,” I said with as much confidence as I could muster. He definitely terrified me, but only because I didn’t trust my body to function correctly around him. “Nothing at all?” His gaze intensified. “Nothing at all.” I straightened and held my chin slightly higher to prove it. “You’re not a good liar.” He leaned in closer and I could feel his breath on my cheeks. “What makes you afraid?” I whispered. I was having trouble breathing. His answer was another slow smile. If I moved forward even an inch, his mouth would be on mine. Trying not to hyperventilate, I noticed when his eyes glanced down at my lips. His smile disappeared abruptly and he took a step back. As he turned his attention to the water, I tried to figure out what had just happened. My entire body, humming with electricity, was instantly cooled by the distance he’d put between us.”
“I jumped as Finn seemingly materialized next to me. I couldn’t tell if he was talking about the ocean or my desire to be close to him. I lost all train of thought as he fixed his blue eyes on me. “What are you doing here?” I said, a little too spastic. “Baking cookies,” he smirked at me. “You shouldn’t tease me like that, it’s dangerous. I take baked goods very seriously.” A slow smile formed on his lips. “Dangerous happens to be my specialty,” he said in a low voice, taking a step closer to me. My entire body warmed. He was like my own personal bonfire.”