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Kristen M. Oaks

“Rather than meansuring our experiences against our ideal and coming up short we should enjoy the great blessings of the moment. When I let go of what I thought was supposed to be and began to accept what the Lord had planned for me I let go of any disappointment and bitterness I felt.”
Kristen M. Oaks
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“We live in a perilous time but we have been raised up to live in it. It is no small task to remain focused on the things of God in an often godless world but we came from heaven with all the qualities required to accomplish this. Stay on the path of goodness and there will be no opportunities lost and no blessings postponed. Do what is right let the consequence follow and all will be well”
Kristen M. Oaks
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“We can fend off loneliness by being accessible to those around us who are different from us… too often we try to befriend only those who reassure us of the status quo, who are exactly like us, and who may not contribute as significantly to our growth and balance. This is a wide wonderful world. Be open to all the friends and associates it has to offer.”
Kristen M. Oaks
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