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Kristen Proby

“I need your strength. Yes i am a badass, but there are times that i need someone to hold me up too, and i didn't know until i found you that that doesn't make me weak, it means i have finally found my partner.”
Kristen Proby
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“Julianne, your beautiful face is only outmatched by what's inside you."What the fuck? No one, no man anyway, has ever said anything about what's inside me. Unless he was referring to his dick.”
Kristen Proby
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“Megs to Jules “Go get your apagasms.”
Kristen Proby
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“Honey, I don’t run. If you ever see me running, you’d better start running too ‘cause that means that something is chasing me.” – Meg”
Kristen Proby
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“When I take you, you’ll know exactly what we’re doing, what you’re feeling, and I won’t stop until your legs are shaking and the neighbors know my name. -Will M.”
Kristen Proby
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“Brynna replies "I think you spell it c-o-c-k. But you're not suppose to spell it, Jules, you're suppose to suck it”
Kristen Proby
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“Nat, how do you spell orgasm?""You don't spell it, you feel it”
Kristen Proby
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“We aren't going to fuck, Meg. Even when it's hard and fast or a little rough or a lot dirty, I'm not fucking you. In the kitchen, in the bedroom, on my car, or any damn where I want to take you, will not be fucking. Fucking is for strangers or people who don't give a shit about each other.”
Kristen Proby
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“We teach people how to treat us. If you don’t put up with shit, and don’t settle for anything less than respect, that’s what you’ll get. But if you let the douchebags walk all over you and treat you like you’re disposable, then that’s what you’ll always get.”
Kristen Proby
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“I brought music." I pull my iPhone and ear buds out of my bra and plug them in my ears."What else do you have in there?”
Kristen Proby
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“I’ve fallen in love with a beautiful, sexy, sweet, jealous control freak.Shit.”
Kristen Proby
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“And one day, I'd love to see you dressed in nothing but pearls.”
Kristen Proby
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“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”
Kristen Proby
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“He could melt glaciers with that smile. End wars. Resolve the national debt crisis.”
Kristen Proby
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“Because you're the first woman I've brought into my home and all I can think about is getting your beautiful body naked and fucking you senseless. I need to know if there is any competition. I don't share, Natalie.”
Kristen Proby
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“The best thing I ever did in my life was make you mine, Stace.”
Kristen Proby
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“I want to kiss him for caring enough to be jealous, and smack the shit out of him for being so jealous he’s almost blind with it.”
Kristen Proby
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“No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you’re the only one who knows the sound of my heart from the inside.”
Kristen Proby
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