Kristin S. Kaufman photo

Kristin S. Kaufman

Kristin S. Kaufman is the founder of Alignment, Inc., formed in 2007 to serve individuals, corporations, boards of directors, and nonprofits in finding alignment within themselves and their organizations. Alignment, Inc. is a unique services organization that works with companies and inviduals to create sustainable success individually and collectively. Kaufman has brought this expertise to hundreds fo people since establishing Alignment.

During her twenty-five years of corporate experience, she has held executive positions at Hewlett-Packard, Vignette Corporation, and United Health Group. In 2009 Kaufman pursued and was awarded the distinction of professional certified coach from the International Coaching Federation and also achieved the designation of certified leadership coach through the esteemed program of Georgetown University.

A prolific writer, Kristin's first book, "Is This Seat Taken? Random Encounters That Change Your Life", centers on her global experiences seeding her journey toward alignment.

“Our world is moving so fast and we are apt to miss so much of what is happening "right now." If we can put down our smart phones for one moment and be present to what is around us, I believe these incidental meetings and strangers who come into our lives can give us unexpected fortitude, perspective and even wisdom just when we need them the most - if we are just awake, aware and open to these new insights.”
Kristin S. Kaufman
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“Alignment begins with a constituency of one. These are the individuals whose substance is real, pure and nonnegotiable. They share their vulnerabilities and fears in complement to their strengths. They are comfortable weaving all parts of their lives together in an integrated way. Our level of effectiveness, contribution and integrity of work and life are in direct correlation with our level of integration, self-actualization and total alignment fo body, mind and spirit.”
Kristin S. Kaufman
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“Thousands of individuals unknowingly contribute to the creation of our lives. Over the years, these serendipitous exchanges made imprints on my mind and heart and served as catalysts for my ongoing growth and development.”
Kristin S. Kaufman
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