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Krystal Volney

This site is maintained by the author's agent.

Her favourite novels as a child were the Sherlock Holmes books, Nancy Drew files, the Babysitter's club and the famous five. She started writing both female and male poetry in categories such as fashion, romance, the environment and children's poetry in the year late 2010. The poetess views humans as both monarch and emperor butterflies because of the transformation from an egg into a butterfly showcasing the metamorphosis as various stages of one's experiences throughout life. Her analysis states that as a result of the prodigious difference between each human being in the global society, experiences differ and some persons mature into butterflies while some remain at a particular stage permanently at various points in their longevity. The contemporary poetess's character is floral. In the 21st century, this meant that one consisted of many petals and each petal told a different story of who she was. She saw tiger lily and hibiscus flowers as demonstrating what it meant to be a woman and a lady. Some of her influences have been Mozart, Van Gogh, Emily Dickinson and Claude Monet.

“Never let anyone offend you or upset you. They don't deserve that attention.”
Krystal Volney
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“To all the broken-hearted and anyone feeling sad, may your hearts heal and may you feel happy in your lives.Flutter as the butterflies do.”
Krystal Volney
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“Life should be about changing for the better. If you have to let go of some people along the way, then go right ahead.”
Krystal Volney
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“There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did, and who always will.”
Krystal Volney
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“Being peaceful doesn’t mean that everything is perfect. It means that you’ve decided to look beyond the imperfections.”
Krystal Volney
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“Inner peace creates outer peace. Always try to have peace of mind whenever you experience negative thoughts and feelings.”
Krystal Volney
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“Peace is ours to create for ourselves.”
Krystal Volney
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“Don't stress about people who don't deserve room in your heart or thoughts.”
Krystal Volney
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“Ignore the ignorant and immature.”
Krystal Volney
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“Why compare yourself with others? No one in the entire world can do a better job of being you than you.”
Krystal Volney
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“Happiness will come to you when it comes from you. Others can only bring temporary happiness and not everyone understands you.”
Krystal Volney
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“You might have a past..but guess what? You have a future, too.”
Krystal Volney
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“Don't shrink yourself down by engaging in small, petty gossip. Rise above.”
Krystal Volney
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“If someone hurt you, abandoned you, betrayed says nothing about your meaningfulness but everything about their character.”
Krystal Volney
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“People will always criticize. Stay upbeat and love yourself! There's nothing wrong with being different.”
Krystal Volney
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“There are three constants in existence... change with almost everything,choice and principles.”
Krystal Volney
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“In life's journey, you will meet all sorts of characters. Always remember, never shed a tear for the heartless, corrupt or insensitive.”
Krystal Volney
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“There are those so filled with hatred towards themselves,humanity and life generally.Fight that ball of bitterness & hurt. You are special.”
Krystal Volney
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“Never question your life or its purpose. You were created for a reason. Make it a good one. Never add to the destruction of the world.”
Krystal Volney
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“There are alot of people hurting deep inside from experiences in life. Be strong and keep the faith. Even if it's like a flame in the dark.”
Krystal Volney
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“In life, no matter what, never let your enemies or frenemies get you upset. You are in charge of your feelings.”
Krystal Volney
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