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Kyra Dune

“I don’t want to kill you, but I must. For the good of the country.”
Kyra Dune
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“Either you’re with me or you’re against me. I can’t afford to be looking over my shoulder all the time waiting for you to stick a knife in my back.”
Kyra Dune
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“A conscience can be a dangerous thing”
Kyra Dune
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“In the rational light of day, he could tell himself that it was better this way, for both of them. The past was the past, nothing but memories buried, and the pain of losing something precious was but brief. Most of the time he could make himself believe it, but sometimes in the night, with no company but his own echoing thoughts, the past would sneak up on him.”
Kyra Dune
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“Such things are even more important when we’re alone, so that we might remember who we are and who we can no longer be.”
Kyra Dune
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“May your dreams be silent.”
Kyra Dune
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“It wasn’t bravery that ushered me into that cave, it was a mixture ofstupidity, guilt and the brashness of youth. A deadlier combination therenever was.”
Kyra Dune
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“It dawned on me then that I didn’t understand anything half as wellas I thought I did.”
Kyra Dune
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“No matter how old you get, no matter how far you’ve strayed, a mother can always see right through you.”
Kyra Dune
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“I hate secrets.”
Kyra Dune
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“I like plain old you.”
Kyra Dune
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“Change can be a good thing.”
Kyra Dune
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“Yet beauty is a shallow thing. So fleeting. Strength, intelligence, spirit, these things can be far more appealing than what lies on the surface of a thing. And power, of course. For power, true power, can last forever.”
Kyra Dune
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“Everyone has an ulterior motive. Everyone wants something, and everyone is willing to do whatever they haveto in order to get it. Regardless of who winds up hurt in the process.”
Kyra Dune
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“You aren’t exactly best friends with the truth yourself.”
Kyra Dune
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