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L. Filloon

L. Filloon was born in Leone, American Samoa. At a young age her family relocated to Hawaii and settled on Oahu. In 1977, her father once again relocated the family, this time to San Diego, eventually making National City, California their home. Although she started writing during her junior high school years, it wasn't until late 2011 that she self-published her first book, The Binding; the first in The Velesi Trilogy. Book 2, The Drifting, will be available on Amazon.com for Kindle on November 9, 2012. The final installment to be released in 2013.

“You can love as many women as you feel that you need to, but you will only have one heart.”
L. Filloon
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“We were raised in a world where there is no light, no truth and worse, the inability to voice our pain, our fears and our hate.”
L. Filloon
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“Really? You actually told him that pasta came from a man-made tree?”
L. Filloon
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“I hope he and his warrior Goddess live happily ever after... jackass.”
L. Filloon
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“Dreams are stages where lies and truths intertwine in and endless dance. It is in the waking world that you must decide what is real and what it not.”
L. Filloon
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“I love him, I truly do. I feel it in my bones, in my soul, with all my heart. It's just like all those sentiments that I've read about in the past in those Hallmark cards.”
L. Filloon
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“...but how can I feel right about marrying a guy who's in love with someone else? It's not right, Tharin. The name 'My Love' should be for the one you truly love," I sigh heavily. The wind going out of me and I finish in almost a whisper, "and it shouldn't be thrown around like it's just another word, because it isn't.”
L. Filloon
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“When I'm not with Kalis the things I missed about her are all physical. I know that now. I miss her smile, her eyes, her hair, her touch. She's tall and lithe and has a body that turns all the men's heads in Velesi. With Lily, even with her small stature, she towers over the rest of us, because of her heart and her love for Lucas and Julia.”
L. Filloon
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