L. Jagi Lamplighter photo

L. Jagi Lamplighter

L. Jagi Lamplighter is a writer of fantasy and children's stories.  When not writing, she reverts to her secret ID where she lives in fairytale happiness with her husband, writer John C. Wright, and their four delightful children Orville, Ping-Ping, the Cherubim, and Justinian the Elf King.

For more information, see:

Prospero Lost:  A Writer's Odyssey -- an essay about how Prospero Lost came to be, the rigors of the writing life, negotiating the labyrinth of the publishing world, and the Great Agent Hunt.

All About The Wonder:  Why I Write Fantasy -- an essay about wonder and the real magic of life.

“I loved weather, all weather, not just the good kind. I loved balmy days, fearsome storms, blizzards, and spring showers. And the colors! Everyday brought something to be admired: the soft feathery patterns of cirrus clouds, the deep, dark grays of thunderheads, the lacy gold and peach of the early morning sunrise. The sky and its moods called to me.”
L. Jagi Lamplighter
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