L. Ron Hubbard photo

L. Ron Hubbard

Lafayette Ronald Hubbard

With 19 New York Times bestsellers and more than 350 million copies of his works in circulation, L. Ron Hubbard is among the most enduring and widely read authors of our time. As a leading light of American Pulp Fiction through the 1930s and '40s, he is further among the most influential authors of the modern age. Indeed, from Ray Bradbury to Stephen King, there is scarcely a master of imaginative tales who has not paid tribute to L. Ron Hubbard.

Then too, of course, there is all L. Ron Hubbard represents as the Founder of Dianetics and Scientology and thus the only major religion born in the 20th century.

While, as such, he presents the culmination of science and spiritual technology as embodied in the religion of Scientology.

For an in-depth look at his life, visit www.LRonHubbard.org

“You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“A bitter hatred was lifting his lip from his teeth.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“All real difficulty stems from no responsibility. Full responsibility is not fault; it is recognition of being cause.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“Choice is the keynote of self-determinism. To determine anything, you must have the choice to determine. Choice to determine means that you must have the power of decision. Decision and time have a lot in common. When we have clean, clear decision, we have clean, clear time. And when we have indecision, there is an unclarity about time.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“Anything you shun will have won.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“One's attitude toward life makes every possible difference in one's living. You know, you don't have to study a thousand ancient books to discover that fact. But sometimes it needs to be pointed out again that life doesn't change so much as you. ...The day when you stop building your own environment, when you stop building your own surroundings, when you stop waving a magic hand and gracing everything around you with magic and beauty, things cease to be magical, things cease to be beautiful. Well, maybe you've just neglected somewhere back in the last few years to wave that magic hand.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“When reading a book, be very certain that you never go past a word you do not fully understand. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“What is generally missed, is that my writing financed research.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“Stress the right of the individual to select only what he desires to know, to use any knowledge as he wishes, that he himself owns what he has learned.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“A civilization is as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamt by artists.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“The wise man tests before he talks. The critic but follows the fad of a cynical and apathetic age.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“Learning locked in mildewed books is of little use to anyone and therefore of no value unless it can be used.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“Scientology does not teach you. It only reminds you. For the information was yours in the first place.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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“Ideas and not battles mark the forward progress of mankind.”
L. Ron Hubbard
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