L. S. Hartfield photo

L. S. Hartfield

“I look in­to the star­lit night, And beck­on to a dream Within a world of masks and faces Of all we see and seem.”
L. S. Hartfield
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“A beau­ti­ful girl in a love­ly world Touches the stars and her wings unfurl.”
L. S. Hartfield
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“All is il­lu­sion; noth­ing is re­al. There are no true win­dows or halls. The doors are not there and they can't hold the light. My life's not con­tained in these walls.”
L. S. Hartfield
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“But are my foot­steps silent? Are they just holes with­in the sand? Or does an­oth­er hear them, follow, And find me where I am?”
L. S. Hartfield
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“The shattered glass Of soundproof walls That can block the night no more Is scattered, alas, On the broken stillness Of a distant, darkened shore.”
L. S. Hartfield
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