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L.A. Gilbert

L.A. Gilbert currently lives in a small British town where not much of anything ever really occurs. Jumping from job to job, she has no real qualifications in anything and is blithely proud of it. Between spectacularly failing driving test after test, she generally spends her free time reading about beautiful gay men, if not attempting to write about them. She is perhaps not the most outgoing of people, but is certainly one of the most cheerful.

Her aspirations are to eventually leave England and see a real, live whale (London's zoo is poorly lacking in that respect) and to perhaps one day hold in her hands a published copy of her own work.

One down.

“Oh man, Alex. That's sad. Seriously, mate, go get yourself laid.""What?" He gave Baldrick a quick kiss on his little head--he didn't care how stupid he looked, he loved his ugly cat--and put him down on his kitty bed in the corner."Isn't that what single sad people do--get cats when they've given up on human companionship?”
L.A. Gilbert
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“Actually, I wouldn't mind a Malibu and coke.""You're having a fucking pint.""Is my choice of drink too gay for you?""Malibu and coke is a pussy drink. Last I heard you were strictly anti-pussy.”
L.A. Gilbert
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“As long as you're interested, that's all that matters." "I'm interested. I'm fucking obsessed.""That's it, baby." Ben whispered. "You fuck yourself on me. Feel me all the way inside." "Oh, God," Reece gasped."You've no idea," Ben growled, "no idea what it does to me; how fucking possessive it makes me feel to see you bouncing on my cock.”
L.A. Gilbert
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“Aw, come on, admit it—you feel like Cinderella, don’t you?” “No, Darren, I don’t. And do you know why?” “No, sugar, you tell me why.” “Because I’m a man. I’ve got a big fat one and I like to fuck other guys.” Darren was laughing over the phone now, and it made Reece grin. “And Ben isn’t a prince, he’s a cop. A big, sexy cop who fucks like a machine. He’s a man. I’m a man. We’re men.” He nodded sharply. “Now fuck off. I’m arranging flowers.”
L.A. Gilbert
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“Every gay man should be familiar with Bert and Ernie.""And why is that?"Reece rolled his eyes, smiling. "Everyone knows that they're lovers."Ben stopped what he was doing and looked at the man incredulously. "Okay, Reece, seriously, can you hear yourself?""They are!" Reece said. "They live together, share a bedroom; I'm telling you the sexual tension is very palpable." Ben raised an eyebrow and said nothing. Reece cleared his throat. "You're going to break up with me now, aren't you?”
L.A. Gilbert
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“Alex smiled. Andy was a good mate.“And they'll get a good laugh out of that black eye.” He grinned.Alex glared; Andy was a dickhead”
L.A. Gilbert
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“I knew you were all smitten and shit, but fuck, you really do love this guy." The smirk in Darren's voice was obvious. And annoying. "Aw, come on, admit it - you feel like Cinderella, don't you?" "No, Darren, I don't. And do you know why?""No sugar, tell me why.""Because I'm a man. I've got a big fat one and I like to fuck other guys." Darren was laughing over the phone now, and it made Reece grin. "And Ben isn't a prince, he's a cop. A big, sexy cop who fucks like a machine. He's a man. I'm a man. We're men." He nodded sharply. "Now fuck off. I'm arranging flowers.”
L.A. Gilbert
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