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Lacey Weatherford

Lacey Weatherford was born in Ft. Meade Maryland while her father was serving in the military. She has been a life long resident of Arizona, spending most of her time growing up in the small rural town of Clay Springs.

It was while she was attending the small country school in Clay Springs, that she read her first "big" book at the age of eight. It was a Nancy Drew novel and Lacey was instantly hooked. She read every book that she could find in the series and decided that she wanted to write stories too.

Lacey spent a lot of time at the library from that time forward, even volunteering in her later teen years and early twenties. She would don a crazy clown outfit for the Friends of the Library fundraisers in an effort to help get the new town library built.

When she and her husband moved away from the area, Lacey took the opportunity to take some creative writing classes at the local college to help further along her interests. Several years later, they were blessed with the opportunity to move back to Clay Springs with their family. The town had finally succeeded in building their library and Lacey had the opportunity to be President of the Friends of the Library for a very short time, before relocating.

Lacey and her family still live in the White Mountains of Arizona, where she continues to write young adult novels that have a fantasy/fairytale or paranormal bent to them, as well as being sure to include a great romantic storyline!

“Please tell me it's not too late to fix this. Tell me you still love me. I've never wanted anything as much as I want you. I'll risk everything that's important to me, just to hear you say you want me in your life.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Is it possible to love someone who never really existed?”
Lacey Weatherford
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“You deserve it all - the candlelight, roses, and romance. There's no need for you to rush. The right guy will always wait for you to truly be ready. He should honour you, worship you, and make it a moment for you to remember forever.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Where's he starting?" he finally asked."In theater care. Where are you working?""Snack bar," he replied tersely."Please try to be civil," I begged him. "This is work. We need to be professional."He snorted. "Whatever, Cami." He shot me a wounded look. "I can imagine he'll love his new job. He's gonna get paid to follow you around through dark rooms. He's probably thrilled.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Clay, what do you think about this one?" I asked, trying to redirect his attention. He was looking at Hunter like he hoped he would spontaneously combust.He glanced at the screen. "King Triton and a mermaid?""Yeah. It's kind of cool.""Clay doesn't have the abs to pull that off," Hunter spoke, peering over. "You on the other hand would look fabulous as a mermaid." I could feel Clay's temperature starting to boil. "I suppose you think you're the perfect one to pull off this costume?" he accused.Hunter snorted. "I wouldn't be caught dead dressing up like that, but yeah, my abs would work.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Why'd you ask her out? You know we're trying to lay low.""She was in a bit of a pickle with another guy who likes her. I decided to help her - thinking it would be a onetime deal. Things progressed from there."Chris snorted. "Oh, so now you're saying you're in some sort of a love triangle? You're not supposed to star in your own romance novel! What the heck are you doing when I'm gone?”
Lacey Weatherford
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“My life is over.""I believe your life can be whatever you want to make of it." I lifted my chin defiantly, daring him to challenge me. "Is that how it works? Well then, I want my life to be a big, giant, keg party.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“I needed to be brought into the loop about who's hot and who's not, when I moved here. You know how it is," he added. "Social status and all that."And then I was deflated, because I understood what he meant."Yes, I'm sure they were happy to fill you in that I'm part of the 'who's not' category. In fact, I'd imagine I'm probably on the top of that list."He lifted an eyebrow in question, and I noticed the colour of his eyes again for the second time today. "You're kidding, right? I don't think any guy has you on his 'who's not' list.""Then please, enlighten me as to which lucky category I've fallen into. It's always nice to be sorted like inanimate objects.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Lollipop had been her nickname for me as long as I could remember. I asked her how she came up with the name, and she told me sometimes kids are sweet, and sometimes they just need a good lickin'.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“There’s no need for you to rush. The right guy will always wait for you to truly be ready. He should honor you, worship you, and make it a moment for you to remember forever.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Did popular bad boy partiers do nice?”
Lacey Weatherford
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“But what was the point of trying to be something else when everyone already had a preconceived notion of what you were. - Chase”
Lacey Weatherford
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“It’s just a date. One date. If you like it we’ll have more, if you don’t, we won’t. I just want you to give me a chance before you decide I’m not worth it. - Chase”
Lacey Weatherford
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“I wasn’t asking you to be my white knight or anything. I just needed to tell someone. Have you ever had something you wish you could talk to someone about, but it’s buried so deep you’re al- most afraid to give it a voice? - Nikki”
Lacey Weatherford
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“My problem now was that no one was will- ing to look deep enough to see the real me that lay dormant beneath the surface. Everyone thought I was a trouble maker, the bad boy, the punk.I wasn’t. I was just broken. - Chase”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Covering up the evidence?" Hunter drawled, appearing in the doorway and causing me to jump."Yes." I continued to apply as he leaned casually against the frame, watching me."Good idea, though it kinda makes me want to mess it all up again." Tingles shot through my body, and I glanced at him. "You're so bad." He arched his eyebrow. "You have no idea.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“I melted easily into him once again—our homework still lying on the floor forgotten and neither of us seemed too inclined to start it again. Too bad we didn’t have a class on physical anatomy together, then maybe we could’ve passed this off as studying.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“You're my girlfriend, Cami, unless you don't want it that way." He opened his eyes, looking at me.I swallowed. "I want it that way.""Good, because I think we've established I'm never going to get my fill of you.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“You just keep kissing me like that, and let me decide how much is too much." Her fingers were against my mouth, tracing my lips. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to kiss these.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“I have no idea what you just said." I couldn't stop looking at her mouth. It was a little swollen, and I wanted to kiss her again and again, over and over until she couldn't breathe properly anymore. My libido had kicked into overdrive, and I was't having any problem imagining all the things I'd like to do.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Tell me you like me,” he whispered. He was so close I could almost imagine the feel of his lips as they moved, but not quite. I pursed mine together, trying to stop my mischievous smile. “No,” I replied. He shook his head. “That’s not an acceptable answer.” “Well, it’s the one you’re getting.” I laughed and he did too, releasing me and flopping onto his back.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Why me?” she finally asked. Sighing, I touched the end of her hair, fingering it slightly. It felt so silky. “You were the first person I saw at this school. I’d parked in the lot and was walking past the auditorium and saw this gorgeous girl come out of the music room. The sun hit your stunning red hair, and it shone so brightly it almost looked like you had a halo. You were staring down at some music you were holding, and you started humming something. I froze. I just stood there and watched you walk by. You were so engrossed you didn’t even notice me.” I twisted the loop of her hair around my finger.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Yeah, it will be great for later when it’s darker too. I don’t think I should ravish you right here in the middle of the park in full daylight.” She actually gulped, and I laughed loudly. “I’m just messing with you, Goody. You’re safe.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Well, I appreciate your help, Hunter. But let’s get some things straight right now. I don’t party, I don’t use illicit drugs, and I won’t be a notch in anyone’s headboard.” He choked and sputtered before smiling widely. “Wow. You’ve been reading the daily rumor mill, haven’t you? You’ve already decided what kind of guy I am.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“You’re one crazy S.O.B. You stole her right from under the guy she was with,” he whispered in awe. “I can’t believe you got her to go out with you. How’d you do that?” “I paid attention to what was going on around me, which is what you need to do. Then you’ll start seeing the things you’re missing.” “I have no idea what you mean, but feel free to teach me, Master Obi-Wan.” I snorted and Cami looked at me. I smiled and she gave me a shy one back before turning toward the screen again.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“As long as we do our jobs and aren’t making out in the supply closets they’re pretty good about letting couples have the same shifts together.” “Hmmm. I don’t know. The supply closet thing might be a deal breaker. I like pushing you into dark corners and doing wicked things to you.” I shook my head and she laughed.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“Looks like we’re about to get wet,” I said, stating the obvious. He laughed. “I don’t care.” He grabbed me by the waist and turned, slipping me up so I was lying on the hood of the car, pinned there with his body. He ran his hands through my hair, spreading it. “So beautiful,” he whispered. He crushed his mouth to mine, devouring it.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“You have no idea how deep the level of my depravity is right now.” He chuckled. “Are you subtly telling me you’re the wolf in sheep’s clothing?” “There’s no subtle about it. I’m flat out telling you.” His eyes roamed over me hungrily, and I knew he was being serious. For whatever reason, I wasn’t scared. I felt safe with him.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“We have got to cool down. You’re driving me crazy.” I bit my lip as I stared up at him mischievously. “I thought that was the whole point.” He shook his head and groaned. “You really want me to get shot, don’t you?” “Not at all. We couldn’t do this anymore if you were.” I had no idea what made me feel so bold with him. I’d never behaved this way with anyone in my entire life, but I liked it. The things he made me feel were incredible.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“I’m not the girl you’re looking for if you want a casual hook up, Hunter. That’s never been something I’m interested in.” “That’s not what I want from you,” he replied, his hand tightening around mine again. “What do you want? I’ve never really been able to figure that out.” I bit my lip while I waited for his response. “I want for us to sit back and let things flow naturally. No expectations, no rush, let’s see what happens on its own.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“So stop looking at the past and all the things you can’t change. They’re done and over with. Now is the time for you to look to the future, grasp it by the hand, and decide where you want to go. I told you once before, and I’ll say it again—this is your life, Chase. Only you can decide what it’s going to be like. Don’t let outside forces dictate it for you.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“My lips have always been yours to kiss.”
Lacey Weatherford
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“What girl doesn't love the tortured bad boy? I think when it comes to bad boys, girls/women have this desire to step forward and try to rescue that sort of individual. It is very appealing to the nurturer inside us I think." - author Lacey Weatherford during an interview on whether she was a bad boy kinda girl”
Lacey Weatherford
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