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Lama Govinda

Lama Anagarika Govinda, born Ernst Lothar Hoffmann, was the founder of the order of the Arya Maitreya Mandala and an expositor of Tibetan Buddhism, Abhidharma, and Buddhist meditation as well as other aspects of Buddhism. He was also a painter and poet.


Lama Anagarika Govinda ist einer der bekanntesten buddhistischen Gelehrten und Schriftsteller aus dem Westen. Der gebürtige Deutsche studierte Philosophie, Religionswissenschaft und Archäologie in Freiburg, Neapel und Cagliari. Nach intensiven Jahren buddhistischen Studiums und reger Vortragstätigkeit in Indien lernte er 1931 durch Tomo Geshe Rinpoche den tibetischen Buddhismus kennen. Auf ausgedehnten Forschungsreisen in Tibet wurde dieser seine geistige Heimat (Source:ßen-Wolken-L...)

“Just as a white summer cloud, in harmony with heaven and earth freely floats in the blue sky from horizon to horizon following the breath of the atmosphere – in the same way the pilgrim abandons himself to the breath of the greater life that… leads him beyond the farthest horizons to an aim which is already present within him, though yet hidden from his sight.”
Lama Govinda
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“Sometimes a glance, a few casual words, fragments of a melody floating through the quiet air of a summer evening, a book that accidentally comes into hands, a poem or memory-laden fragrance may bring about the impulse which changes and determines our whole life.”
Lama Govinda
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