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Lani Diane Rich

“Sólo porque algo no sea buena idea no significa que no debas hacerlo -Elizabeth”
Lani Diane Rich
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“A veces, decir <> o <> hace que sea más fácil de soportar el día. -Elizabeth”
Lani Diane Rich
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“Anyway, back to the crush. Sorry to shift gears so fast, but we both know why we're here. I mean, if I wanted to discuss the existential angst of motherhood I'd be writing in a journal. Diaries are for the down and dirty, the stuff you don't want people to ever find out about you. Journals are the things you leave open around the house, hoping a literary agent will wander in, read it and declare you the next genius of your age.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“Look, we say stuff to women all the time. We say we’ll call them, then we don’t. We tell them they’re beautiful, then spend the evening looking at other women. We say we don’t love them when we do, and say we do when we don’t. Christ, if I was a woman, I wouldn’t listen to a goddamn thing any man ever said to me.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“Did you know that if Barbie was a real woman with those proportions, she'd have to carry her kidneys in her purse?”
Lani Diane Rich
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“Forgive me, Father, but I'm still screwed up.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“What are you doing eating a salad? If you turned sideways in the wind, you'd whistle.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“There just aren't enough o's in the word smooth for me, are there?”
Lani Diane Rich
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“I crossed my arms. "You're saying I'm not usually polite?"He staged a sigh. "It's amazing how quickly I can regret saying something with you…""I'm polite. I'm very fucking polite.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“Forgive me, Father, but I'm not Catholic.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“there's a theory that when two people form a relationship, they form a third spiritual entity. When the relationship dies, that entity dies. Grief is a completely natural response, and it's almost impossible to move on if you don't allow yourself to experience it.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“Reimagining your life. Usually when people get Towered, they try to rebuild what they had. It takes a lot of courage to imagine your life might be different.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“When you knit, if you get something wrong and keep knitting, then when you discover it, you have to rip out all those rows of stitching to go back and fix it, Life is like that. Sometimes, it has to rip out all the stitches to go back and fix what's wrong.”
Lani Diane Rich
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“You have to watch your language. People will think you have no fucking class”
Lani Diane Rich
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