Writing as TINA ST. JOHN, her historical romances have won numerous awards including the National Readers Choice; Romantic Times Magazine Reviewer’s Choice; Booksellers Best; and many others. She was twice named a Finalist in Romance Writers of America’s RITA Awards, for Best Historical Romance (White Lion’s Lady) and Best Paranormal Romance (Heart of the Hunter). More recently, the German translation of Heart of the Hunter debuted on Der Spiegel bestseller list.
With an ancestry stretching back to the Mayflower and the court of King Henry VIII, the author lives with her husband in New England, where she is working on her next novel. Visit Lara’s website and sign up for new release announcements at http://bit.ly/LaraAdrianNews
“I love you, Mira…my Mate. My life. You’re my everything.”
“Kellan’s hand found hers, took it into his strong grasp. “There,” he said, pressing a kiss to the center of her palm. “I’ve got you, Mouse.”“Yes, you do,” she replied.”
“For us. Kellan, you have to promise me you’ll give me that chance-”“I can’t promise you that, Mira. I can’t promise to put you through any more hurt or distress than I already have.” He took her face between his palms, tenderly smoothing his thumbs over her cheeks and her trembling mouth. “But I will promise you this: I love you. God, I always have.”
“You stayed,” he murmured... Her softly whispered answer sifted into his hair where her lips rested against the top of his head. “You didn’t let go.”
“As a girl, Mira had held his hand and led him out of a dark place. As a woman, she’d held his heart, despite his efforts to prove himself from caring for someone he could never bear to lose. Now he only hoped he’d find the strength to push Mira away, when all he wanted was to pull her close and never let her go.”
“Be reasonable? Fuck you. How’s that for calm and reasonable?”
“You are the finest thing I've ever touched. I want to be careful with you.Hunter, Deeper Than Midnight, Lara Adrian”
“He didn’t care that his voice and hands shook as he brought her closer. He was thoroughly unashamed of the depth of his feeling for this woman.”
“Fuck you very much, if you think we’re gonna let you do this on your own, Reichen.”
“I’m bonded to her, Lucan. I love her. If you want to keep me out of this, you’re going to have to kill me right here and now.”
“You were the only one, Andre. It’s always been you.”
“Leaving you was the last thing I ever wanted to do.” He scowled, his grip holding her tighter, moving her farther into the heated wall of his body. “It was the hardest goddamn thing I’ve ever done. Ever, Claire.”
“You’ve had our back more than once. We’ve got yours now.”
“Goddamn you. How can you still make me feel this way after all these years? Damn you for leaving me! And damn you for coming back like this, just when I thought you were gone forever and I might finally be able to forget you.”
“If you were mine,” he murmured low under his breath, “I would walk through the fires of hell itself to keep you away from a man like me.”
“I want to take my girls home.”
“I love you so much … I don’t want to live a single moment without you at my side.”
“I’m in love with you Renata. I know I’m not a poet – shit, not even close. I don’t have all the fancy words I wish I could say to you … but I want you to know that what I’m feeling for you is real. I love you.”
“Nikolai stroked her cheek, then wrapped her in his embrace. “You’re safe,” he said tenderly beside her ear. “I’ve got you, and I’m going to keep you safe.”
“Renata reached out for the gun nearest to her and a full magazine of rounds. She had the weapon loaded, locked and ready for action in three seconds flat. Niko had never seen anything sexier in his life.”
“Would I be healed now if you gave me your blood, Nikolai?”“Are you asking me for it?”“If I were, would you give it to me?”
“Mira’s never wrong. Whatever she showed you tonight, it’s fated to be.”“Fated”, he said, sounding amused by that. “Well, shit. Then I guess we’re doomed.”
“Tegan rodó con ella sobre la cama, suavemente acomodándola debajo de su cuerpo que ya despertaba. Miró a sus ojos lavandas viéndolo con tanto amor y eso simplemente lo desarmó. La besó lentamente, con sinceridad y ternura.“Ya estoy en casa” le dijo con esa voz grave y ronca por la emoción, mientras la presionaba debajo de él. “Éste es el único hogar que siempre voy a necesitar”.”
“You are pure flame. I touch you and I ignite. I kiss you and I burn to have more. You consume me… like no other woman before you, and, I am certain, like no other ever could again.”
“Todo tiene sentido cuando estoy contigo, Tess. Mi vida tiene sentido, después de tantos años de estar huyendo asustado en la oscuridad. Tú eres la luz, mi razón de vivir. Estoy profundamente unido a ti. Para mí, nunca habrá nadie más.”
“Damn, amigo. Just how much Oprah have you been watching since I’ve been gone?”
“She felt like she was walking up on a wounded animal, unsure if reaching out to him was going to win her a bit of uneasy trust or a vicious taste of fang and claw.”
“Selling bullshit to a guy who peddled it for a living was no easy task. – Dylan”
“Rolling orange fire silhouetted him from behind, backlighting the warrior’s broad shoulders and casual, long-legged stride. As he strolled away from the inferno, the ends of his loose black coat winged out behind him like a cape befitting the prince of darkness himself. “Holy hell,” Brock murmured. “Tegan.”
“By the blasé flatness of Tegan’s expression as he approached, he might as well have just come back from taking a piss. “Everything good in there, T?” Niko quipped. “You need back up or anything? Bag of marshmallows to roast over that little campfire you just started?”“It’s handled.”“No shit”
“From the beginning, Tegan, you were more brother to me than any kin by blood. You still are.”Tegan felt likewise, in spite of all they’d been through. Maybe because of it. “I’ll always have your back, Lucan. You can count on it.”
“I’ll admit it to you now, and to anyone, anytime. I need you, Elise. I love you. You are mine. My woman, my mate, my beloved. My everything.”
“I’m ready when you are, Lucan.”“Okay,” he said, shaking his head in defeat. “Let’s go get our boy.”
“Someone remind me why I didn’t want to be an accountant when I grew up,” Brock drawled.Niko chuckled. “Because accountants don’t get to make things go boom.”
“Do I love you? Yeah, God help you, but I do”
“Look at me Elise. Tell me what you think I’m feeling,” he murmured, then bent his head to hers and pressed his mouth to her parted lips.”
“Do I look like I need a fucking group hug?”
“He was seething, drunk on his own magnificence”
“When he spoke, there was an odd vulnerability to his deep voice. As if he were letting her peek inside one of the dark chambers of the heart he seemed so sure he didn’t possess.”
“No spark, no boom.”
“he settled back on the bed with her and wrapped her in his protective embrace, giving her a hundred solemn promises that he was very eager to keep, and loving her with all the reverence and worship of a blood-bonded male who had stared hell in the face and now understood that he was holding heaven in his arms.”
“when I look in your eyes, one word leaps into my mind every single time: Forever.”
“He was the ghost you never saw coming, death breathing down your neck before you even realized you were in the crosshairs.”
“His mouth was the only bit of softness on him. Wide and sensual, lips parted slightly in his drugged state, his mouth was profanely beautiful.”
“How long can you brush up against evil and not come away stained with it yourself?”
“I love you. You are mine. In my heart, I knew that from the beginning. You are my beloved, Tavia, my only one.”
“Lock and load, everyone,” Lucan said, casting a grave look at the rest of them. “It’s gonna be a long, bloody night.”
“He wrapped his palm around the back of her neck, possessive but tender as he gazed into his mate’s brown eyes. “She knows she’s got me, anyway she wants me. Forever, if I have anything to say about it.”
“Pain? He could handle that, no problem; it was the idea that the female he loved was suffering that made him want to either punch something or vomit in the corner.”
“Doing some late-night home improvements, my man? (...) For what it's worth, I never had any use for that froufrou French shit, either." - Tegan”