Lara Glenum is the author of four full-length poetry collections: The Hounds of No, Maximum Gaga, Pop Corpse, and All Hopped Up On Fleshy Dumdums. She is also the co-editor of Gurlesque: the new grrly, grotesque, burlesque poetics, an anthology of contemporary women’s poetry and visual art, and the upcoming digital second edition, Electric Gurlesque.
She has been the recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship to Prague and an NEA Translation Fellowship partner. She's currently an Associate Professor of English at LSU, where she's one of the directors of Delta Mouth, a national literary festival.
“Being embodied in flesh that decomposes and that is inscribed with all manner of cultural values not of your choosing is also a state of emergency.”
“...All that grotty jiz crusting to sugar in my ass crevice...”
“Each note is inscribed on a sugarcube lodged in the hoof of a rabid pig.”
“On detonation, red sugar spilled out of the corner of my mouth.”