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Laura Bacchi

“As a child, he'd found a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. He'd tried to help it by prying open the husk to set the insect free. It had lain in the sun, beating its wings as they dried, but had never flown and soon died. His grandmother explained the butterfly needed to go through the difficulty of freeing itself in order to have the strength to fly.”
Laura Bacchi
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“She breathed slowly, searching for words. "You've set me free, and I can't be caged again.”
Laura Bacchi
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“She climbed into his embrace. Bryan stayed awake until he heard her breathing steadily. "When you find your wings, don't fly away," he whispered.”
Laura Bacchi
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“It was a good feeling, to beat her wings and find out they were strong enough to lift her and hold her aloft.”
Laura Bacchi
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