Laura Bowers is a writer, reader, runner, runDisney addict, Joyful Miles blogger, journal lover, and obsessive listmaker who's been happily married for 28 years with two grown boys.
She also loves run-on sentences. Can you tell?
In the past, Laura's been a waitress, telemarketer, secretary, real estate agent, short-order cook, golf course beer gal, and during her broke college days, a costumed character at holiday parades. (Memories of being tormented by teens as a candy cane still haunt her at night.) At the age of thirty, she decided to pursue her dream of becoming a writer and she can honestly say that writing is a thousand times more rewarding than being a candy cane.
“Estoy cansada de sentirme mal, cansada de defenderlo o justiciar su comportamiento porque su madre lo abandonó, cansada de necesitar un chico para ser feliz, cansada de este estúpido apodo de Sabbie, simplemente cansada. Quiero ser feliz sola. Quiero divertirme. Quiero ser segura de nuevo y superarlo. Seguir adelante.”
“Las relaciones se supone que te hacen sentir bien.Las relaciones no se supone que te hagan sentir mal.O culpable, insegura, avergonzada, paranoica, o sin esperanza. Bien.Así que cuando una relación te hace sentir mal, culpable, insegura, avergonzada, paranoica, o sin esperanza, acaba con ella. Superalo. Sigue adelante.”