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Laura Wright

“What you did in the past is your business. Those were your choices—your mistakes—if you even believe they were mistakes. Stop caring what anyone thinks and live your life the way you want to live it.”
Laura Wright
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“Grinning like the arrogant bastard he was,Lucian dipped his head and,with his teeth,drew her shirt all the way up to her neck."Tell me you don't belong to me."Bron gasped as the cool air hit her skin."I don't belong to you."He kissed the curve of her breast,then down to her belly."Oh,lass,the scent of your wet pussy says different.”
Laura Wright
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“Gray Donohue was a fierce and hungry beast.His hair was wild,his eyes narrowed,his face contorted into a mask of diabolical intensity.And then that face descended on hers and his mouth claimed her in a ravenous kiss.As his cock worked in and out of her pussy,as his tongue fucked the inside of her mouth,Dillon knew this was something beyond what she was capable of,beyond what her tiny scrap of an unbeating heart could ever hold on to.”
Laura Wright
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“His kisses to her neck were growing hungry and her insides were heating up,but she managed to mutter a terse,"I would rather eat my own eyeballs than sit at the table with those bastards.”
Laura Wright
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“Nicholas nodded."All right.He stays.But I want to see him and speak to him first.""Are you going to give him a hug?"Lucian drawled,"Tell him everything's going to be all right?Share some feelings perhaps?”
Laura Wright
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“Sara lay back on the cold rock floor and beckoned for him."I'll stay in here until you're starving," she said passionately,"until you understand you can trust me,that I give to you unconditionally,out of the purest love.I'll stay here until this cage becomes a place of peace,of pleasure-not torment."Her eyebrow lifted."I will stay in here until you can't resist me.”
Laura Wright
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“His groan was laced with both pain and pleasure.But that was okay.It was as it was supposed to be.Her eyes filled with tears."I will never keep myself from you.I will never discard your love like trash."Her voice caught with emotion."And I will never starve you."Alexander's eyes glittered with feelings."I can't...""You can.You have to."She tipped up her chin and kissed him,soft and loving and hungry,her tongue slipping inti his mouth,playing with teeth,the tips of his fangs.”
Laura Wright
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“A soft growl came from his throat."You´re so beautiful,Doc.Every inch of you is soaking wet.Your pussy´s like a ripe peach,juice running down your leg.”
Laura Wright
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“The heat building inside her burst into flames.Her ass clenched,her breasts tightened into sensitive buds and she felt her pussy cream right before him.”
Laura Wright
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“He growled softly at her."Then open your legs for me,Julia.This cat must have his cream.”
Laura Wright
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“His face was shockingly handsome,tan and smooth,except for the two healed scars near his right ear and mouth.”
Laura Wright
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“He was stunning,incredible,unlike anything she had ever seen before.Around her,the crowd noise dissipated to a dull hum,but she barely noticed.Her gaze was slowly traveling the length of him,taking in his predatory stance and powerful muscle and tanned skin.”
Laura Wright
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“Kate stared at the paven in the hall outside the door.He was incredibly tall and broad like Nicholas,but that's where the comparison ended.His jaw-length white hair was a stark contrast to his piercing light brown eyes and black lashes.And though he was alarmingly,almost shockingly good-looking,everything about him,every intake of breath,every movement of his gaze,his chin,his mouth fairly screamed hostility.Like an animal who'd been tortured over and over and knew only biting as a response to anyting.”
Laura Wright
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“Yes,love."He leaned down,his hands splayed on her ankles,up he raked to her knees,her inner thighs until he had her legs spread so wide her cunt wept for him."You in me and me in you.For hours,forever."~Alexander Roman”
Laura Wright
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“Oh,yes," he uttered hoarsely,savagely."There it is.The walls of your pussy...Shit,it's like an earthquake.Come for me,baby."~Gray Donohue”
Laura Wright
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“In the meantime," Phane said,his mismatched eyes suddenly bright,his tone heavy with sarcasm,"Lucian needs to decide if he's going to change his balas's diaper or let the rest of us pass out from the scent."Bronwyn burst out laughing,but a growl emanated from Lucian's throat."I'll change her diaper after I change yours,little birdie.""My 'Little birdie' isn't so little," Phane returned."Want to see?"Lucian sniffed."And make my eyes bleed?Fuck no!”
Laura Wright
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“Part your legs for me,lass," he commanded on a growl."Wide,so I can go deep,drink deep.Fuck your sweet cunt with my tongue."~Lucian Roman”
Laura Wright
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“His nostrils flared then,and he lifted his head."Oh,God,Princess.Your scent.As much as I would love to see you work your cunt again,up close and personal this time,I must have you,taste you.Fuck,I want to drown in you,bury my face in your pussy and lap up every drop."~Lucian Roman”
Laura Wright
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“She ran her tongue over his bottom lip,took the drops of blood she'd called forth with her quick bite into her mouth,then blew on the tiny wound."That's all the healing you get from this veana tonight.Feel better?”
Laura Wright
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“From we to three. Oh, my dear, I love you so.”
Laura Wright
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“I feel the animal within me emerging, Princess. It’s raw and uncontained, but it wants to please you. If we wait . . .” His chin dropped, his voice too. “I cannot hurt you, do you understand?”
Laura Wright
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“She knew in that moment what it felt like to want to own another being, declare them as yours.”
Laura Wright
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“He leaned down, lapped at her tears with his tongue. "I won't take you, make you come until you tell me you belong to me because otherwise I'm just the Breeding Male again. Don't you understand that?" Her eyes locked with his. "Don't you understand that I love you. Me. Not "it"-me."Her body was on fire, her mind gone, but her unbeating heart could only call out, cry out to the one it had no right to claim. Lucian Roman. "Damn it! I love you too, you bastard.”
Laura Wright
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“Since I can't get this leashoff and take myself for a walk, what would you suggest, baby?" she lifted her chin "that's princess to you”
Laura Wright
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“Oooooo...pity. My favorite snack next to dog shit." Lucian Roman”
Laura Wright
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