I had a rather short area here telling a little about me but then I had more than a few people ask me to expand it so... here goes. LOL. I'm a full time home 'supervisor' which is a nice word for saying I'm a housewife. I'm married happily, I met my dream guy 20 years ago, and we have 4 children. I live in Southern California and I can't function without iced coffee. I believe in romance, I've always been a daydreamer, and I'm a HUGE fan of books, always have been.
No, I didn't know that I always wanted to write. I inhaled books as a child. I read entire series (Pippi Longstocking, Nancy Drew and The Hardy Boys, Trixie Beldon, The Borrowers, etc) in a matter of days at a time. By the time I was nine years old I had an adult library card where I visited often. I moved on to John Saul, Stephen King, Richard Laymon, Agatha Christie, and then found romance. I was hooked. I wrote poetry in my teens and then moved on to short stories. My first book was started after I read a real bomb of a book that ticked me off with really horrible characters and a plot that was shabby at best and I thought... I could do better. LOL.
I wrote my first book which will probably never see the light of day in the early 90's. I wrote a series of a few books from it. I'm a series fan! I kept writing for fun, wrote MANY books and then in 2009 I decided to try to get published. I wrote my first Sci Fi romance and Ral's Woman came to be. I submitted it and with a little tweaking, Ellorascave sent me an acceptance letter. It was kind of a 'Cinderella' experience for me. It's been a terrific ride so far and I'm really happy that I finally had the time to commit to writing full time. It's a dream come true.
“I wont take no for an answer. I will use this to bind you to my bed until you change your mind if you dont answer the way I want you to. Will you marry me?"She grinned. "I dont know." Her attention fixed on the tie for a few seconds before she met his gaze again. "I might be tempted to say no just to get you to tie me to your bed.”
“She's small, Valiant. You should ease up some on the sex."Tammy and Valiant both shot him a glare. "Never," they said in unison.”
“Good conversation is very important, dont you think? Its so stimulating and pleasurable if done right. As a doctor it may surprise you how much I've learned on the subject. Its been a long times since I've had a really good conversation and sometimes I nearly ache from wishing someone would stimulate me. But unfortunately I havent met anyone yet who I want to really talk to.”
“That was real?”His arms tightened. “Yeah. The stench of all that bloodoverwhelmed you. It’s to be expected, you being a new mate.”“I think it was the flying body parts.”His mouth curved into a smile. “Life with me is neverboring.”
“You are ours and he should have known not to touch you.""I'm yours? I thought you hated me."Kit stepped out of the bathroom. "We don't hate you. You're our pet.""Kit!" Rusty shook her head. "Don't say that. You'll offend her."Kit shrugged "She is. She's so little and cute. She yaps around trying to please like... What are they called? A Yorkie?"Rusty sighed. "We decided she's more similar to a cute little poodle with her long blonde hair." She flashed a smile at Ellie. "Don't take it offensively please. We enjoy having you around and you amuse us to no end.”
“Listen to me and listen to me good,” she ground out. “You are an asshole. You don’t tell me what to do, ever. The day you control my life, well, that day is when hell freezes over. I’m not some weak little wife type, asshole, and I don’t need a man to control me or tell me what to do. If you ever try to pull this shit again I’ll show you weak when they have to surgically remove my shoe from your ass. When you walk in the door of my house after you find a way back there, you have five minutes to pack up your things and get the hell out or you’ll need that surgery. I want you to get on a plane, take your miserable, bitchy little bald ass out of my life, and don’t ever come near me again. Do you hear me?”
“Her angel's pants were molded to a nice, beefy ass”
“She stared at his sharp teeth and swallowed the lumpthat formed in her throat. “Um, you look scary when youshow your…uh…teeth. They look really sharp.”He didn’t get angry. In fact, her words seemed toamuse him greatly. “The better to eat you with,” heteased softly.Tammy’s heart flipped inside her chest. “That’s a badjoke, right? Please tell me you’re just kidding.”“I’m not a wolf.”“I’m not wearing red.”“I still want to eat you.”
“Holding on to the past means you can never be open to having a future”
“His voice deepened. "Sign them. We´re in the bedroom and i´m giving you an order.”
“His mouth hardened into a tight line for a moment. “I plead for nothing.” His voice deepened. “I beg for nothing.” He paused, searching her eyes. “You are my heart. I beg you to forgive me, beautiful. You come before everything to me. You even come before my own pride. I’m a Zorn warrior. I have fought many battles in war. I carry scars from lost lives I took in battle. I hunt and I do it well. I have never been captured and I have never been brought to my knees.” He reached out to caress her cheek. “Then I look into your eyes and remember your laugh. I am there, beautiful. You have caught me and I am on my knees to you.”