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Laurell K. Hamilton

“Larry's zombie bag was a nearly virulent green with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on it. I was almost afraid to ask what his vampire bag looked like.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“One thing I've learned about vampires--they keep pulling new rabbits out of their cloaks. Big, fanged, carnivorous bunnies that'll eat your eyeballs if you're not paying attention.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Important safety tip with most of the spiritual world: if you ignore it, it has less power. This does not work with demons or other demi-beings. Other exceptions to the rule are vampires, zombies, ghouls, lycanthropes, witches...Oh, hell, ignoring only works for ghosts.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Methinks we have a clue. Be still, my heart.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Theresa strode over to us in a swish of cloth. "Enough of this, animator. He can't do it, so he pays the price. Either leave now, or join us at our...feast."Are you having rare Who-roast-beast?" I asked.What are you talking about?"It's from Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. You know the part, 'And they'd Feast! Feast! Feast! Feast! Feast! They would feast on Who-pudding and rare Who-roast-beast.'"You are crazy."So I've been told.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I had been downright paranoid all afternoon, aware of everyone near me. By the time I went for the car, my neck and shoulders were knotted into one painful ache. The most frightening thing I'd seen all afternoon had been the prices on the designer clothing.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke. I collect stuffed penguins. If you won't tell, I won't.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“The ratman froze, staring at me. "Why are you laughing?" His voice held just a hint of unease. Good. I was hoping that the vampires would come for me soon and save me. You've got to admit that's funny.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“No, death hadn't changed [Willie] much. But just in case, I avoided looking directly into his eyes. It was standard policy for dealing with vampires. He was a slime bucket, but now he was an undead slime bucket.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Put any woman in an area run mostly by men and rumors will fly. Unless you make it very clear that you are off limits, there is also a certain competitiveness that sets in. Some men are either trying to run you out of town or get into your pants. They don't seem to know any other way to deal with a woman. If you're not a sexual object, you're a threat.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“the pain of that first lost was still raw. You could deal with it, endure it, but never escape it.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Great." I didn't say thank you, because it seemed wrong. I wanted to call her a bitch and shoot her between the eyes, but then I would have had to shoot Enzo, too. And how would I explain that to the police? She was breaking no laws. Dammit.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“There was a tinge of evil to it, a lot of sex, but under that was alittle boy peeking out, an uncertain little boy. That was it. That was the attraction. Nothing is moreappealing than a handsome man who is also uncertain of himself.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I am not a morning person.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I have no personal stake in these people, Jean-Claude, but they are people. Good, bad, or indifferent, they are alive, and no one has the right to just arbitrarily snuff them out.” "So it is the sanctity of life you cling to?" I nodded. “That and the fact that every human being is special. Every death is a loss of something precious and irreplaceable.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“He doesn’t pretend,” the punk pixie said. He nodded toward Doyle. “Nice rings. You got anything else pierced?” “Yes,” Doyle said. The boy smiled, making the rings in the edge of his nose and his bottom lip curl cheerfully with it. “Me too,” he said.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I didn’t know what to say to that. I just stared at him. He was right, of course he was right, but… “I can’t do my job like this.” “No,” he said, “you can’t.” Then suddenly I felt the first tear slide down my face. “No crying,” he said. Another tear joined the first. I fought not to wipe at them. His hand dropped to his side and he took a deep breath. “That’s not fair. Don’t cry.” “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to, but you’re right, I think. I’m pregnant, damn it, not crippled.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“She stared up at me, and there was something in her eyes, something that said we finally had an understanding. She was afraid of me, and sometimes that’s the best you can do with people. I’d tried kindness. I’d tried friendship. I’d tried respect. But when all else fails, fear will do the job.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Maybe you’re not willing to give up a lover who’s colder than you are. ”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“If you keep a gun in your purse, you get killed, because no woman can find anything in her purse in under twelve minutes. It's a rule.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“That kiss was really nice you know before you...bit me, but it was still nice.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“You can not die of grief, though it feels as if you can. A heart does not actually break, though sometimes your chest aches as if it is breaking. Grief dims with time. It is the way of things. There comes a day when you smile again, and you feel like a traitor. How dare I feel happy. How dare I be glad in a world where my father is no more. And then you cry fresh tears, because you do not miss him as much as you once did, and giving up your grief is another kind of death.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I felt like shit, but it was happy shit.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“If you fear nothing, then you are not brave. You are merely too foolish to be afraid.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Everything I needed was in my car, even the chickens”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I locked the door, for what good it would do me, and went to bed. The Browning Hi-Power was in its second home, a modified holster strapped to the headboard of my bed. The crucifix was cool metal around my neck. I was as safe as I was going to be and almost too tired to care.I took one more thing to bed with me, a stuffed toy penguin named Sigmund. I don't sleep with him often, just every once in a while after someone tries to kill me. Everyone has their weaknesses. Some people smoke. I collect stuffed penguins. If you won't tell, I won't.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“That body did not bleed while I carried it, Nesbit. You touch it but a moment, and it bleeds.""No, I didn't kill her."... "The dead always know who to blame. They are very good that way.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“was a clear, pale blue like the eyes of a Siberian husky dog. Human beings just didn't have eyes like that.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Anita can speak for herself," Richard said.Jean-Claude's attention flicked back to me. "That is certainly true. But I came to see how the two of you enjoyed the play.""And pigs fly," I said."You don't believe me?""Not hardly," I said.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Do you practice the laugh, or is it a natural talent? Naw, I’m betting you practice.” Jean-Claude’s face twisted. I couldn’t decide if he was trying not to laugh, or not to frown. Maybe both. I affected some people that way. The laughter seeped out of her face, very human, until only her eyes sparkled. There was nothing funny about the look in those twinkling eyes. It was the sort of look a cat gives a small bird. Her voice lifted at the end of each word, a Shirley Temple affectation. “You are either very brave, or very stupid.” “You really need at least one dimple to go with the laugh.” Jean-Claude said softly, “I’m betting on stupid.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Who would have ever thought I'd be afraid of a zombie, any kind of zombie? Nicely ironic that. ”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“My right hand was sort of casually near my gun, without looking like I was reaching for my gun. It wasn't easy. Reaching for a gun usually looks like reaching for a gun. No one seemed to notice though. Goody for our side.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Surely being in love doesn't cause you to lose your sense of good taste. If I ever buy a gown with sequins on it, someone just shoot me. ”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I wondered if I had offended him. I wondered if I cared. ”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I talk to myself everyone once in a while. Give myself very good advice. Sometimes I even take it.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Questions are great, but only if you know the answers. If you ask questions and the answers surprise you, you look silly.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Nill illigitamus carborundum”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Life's a bitch,” I said.“And then you die,” Larry finished for me.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Love, whether it's friendship or more, is like a cup. It fills up drop by drop, until one last drop and the cup is full. The liquid hangs there almost above the rim, hangs there on surface tension alone and you know that one more drop and it will spill over.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“The rich and powerful always seem to prefer the tops of buildings. Hasn't anyone ever explained to them that higher just means you have farther to fall? -- Anita Blake”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Sometimes it would be nice not to have to do my best. Sometimes it would just be nice not to have a crisis to deal with. - Anita Blake”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Neither love nor evil conquers all, but evil cheats more.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“You smell of other peoples blood, ma petite. It was no one you know. -Jean Claude and Anita”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Should I eat first or accuse the Master of the City of murder? Choices, choices. -Anita”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“What was I supposed to say?.....did I tell them the Master had the hots for me, so I'd probably be okay? -Anita”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“When in doubt, ignore and be horribly unimpressed”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“More than honor, more than life, I love thee." What do you say when a man whose entire existence had been his honor offers to give it up for you? You say the only thing you can.More than any crown or throne or title, I love thee," I said. "more than any power in faerie, I love thee.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“Believe this, Bitch.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“I spend most of my waking hours confronting and destroying things that I fear. A thousand-year-old master vampire was a tall order, but a girl's got to have a goal.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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“If I let you get killed, the other body guards will make fun of me.”
Laurell K. Hamilton
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