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Lauren Barnholdt

“Obviously I cannot”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“I wanted to say I'm sorry. It doesn't make it right, it just... makes it what it is."The bell rings then, and I turn around in my seat, thinking I agree with her, that it is just what it is. And not just the situation with Sebastian. But still wish I knew how I could make it right. How I could make everything right.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Everyone know that you should never wreck your life for a boy, and especially not one that you meet while you're in high school. Seriously, everyone knows it. You never hear someone say, "Oh, wow, you're seventeen and you really like him? That's great, you should do whatever it takes to get him, even if it means wrecking your whole like.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Sometimes people do things that are complicated. For complicated reasons.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“You don't know what you're talking about," he says. "And you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“One large soy latte." [...]"You mean a Venti," [...]"What?" I ask"A Venti," he says. " that's what we call larger here. You know that Hannah.""Well, whatever," I say, my bad mood deepening. "Whatever you call them, that's what I want." They should just call them larger. How stupid.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“I remember how Sebastian and I met in study hall, how the first time I saw him he was reading Pride and Prejudice, and how I thought that was really sexy. Of course, I would come to find later that it was the only book he'd read, like, ever, and the only reason he was reading it was to impress some college girl he'd met at a party the weekend before. That should have been a sign that maybe he and I weren't going to be the best match.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“I am at the hospital waiting for my friend with Noah. Which is a very couple-like thing to do. All you have to do is watch any teen drama - anytime one of the characters is close to death and/or in a coma, the boyfriend/girlfriend teams always end up at the hospital together.We are eating together. (Another coupley thing to do.)We are talking about my best friend, his girlfriend, and their secret problems that she somehow neglected to tell me. Which means that Noah is the one telling me secrets that even my best friend won't.I like it. All of it. Being here, eating food, telling secrets, everything”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“[at the hospital]"What do you think's taking them so long?"[...]"Well," I say "They obviously don't think it's a big deal or they would have carted you right back here.""Or," Lacey says, "they probably know I'm going to die and so they're leaving me out here because they need to help the people who actually have a chance.""Lacey," I say. "Did you see them bringing in the guys who was bleeding profusely from the head?""Yes," she says."If that guy has a chance, then you definitely do.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Does he know that I called him three times and hung up right after we broke up? (I totally *67'd my number to block it, but with technology these days, you never know when someone's going to invent a way to get around that. Nothing's private anymore, you know?)”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Something passes between us that I'm pretty sure both of us can feel, even though neither one of us says anything. It's not even any kind of attraction, even though I've been feeling that on and off all night. This is something different.We have a secret now. A secret from Ava.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Oh, geez." Noah feigns that I've shot an arrow into his cchcest and falls on the ground. "You''re killing mme, Hannah, you''re killllllinnngg mmmmee.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“I look around for someplace to sit, but of course there's nowhere. It's the bathroom in the math wing, not the bathroom in Blair Waldorf's house.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“I’m too quiet. But I’m really not quiet. I just tend to come across that way to new people because I don’t like to talk first.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Usually the hard stuff you’re forced to do makes you learn a lot.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“An asshole who sometimes pretends to be nice totally has the ability to suck you back in, making you think that you had him all wrong.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“I kind of like that she gave me a little bit of attitude. I mean, she's obviously super apologetic and she knows it's a horrible situation, and she's definitely nervous I might flip the fuck out on her, but she doesn't seem embarrassed. It's more like she thinks shit happens, and I should deal with it. I can respect that.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“You want people to take it seriously, but most people are still going to act like it's just some dumb thing you're doing and ask you about it in the way people do when they don't think you're ever going to finish what you started.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“But when I look at him, his face is surprised, like it should be obvious. "Now," he says, "we figure it out together.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Hannah." He looks at me, the same way he looked at me last night in the diner, with longing and sadness, and it's like everything I'm feeling I can see in his eyes. I want to kiss him so bad it hurts, but I know I can't. So instead, I tear my gaze from his and look down at the ground.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Sebastian notices the girl too, so he opens up his binder to a fresh sheet of paper, then takes out a pen and writes, "I still really miss you.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“The secret to a great ice cream, is crunch coat."[...]I look at him, aghast. "Crunch coat? Oh, Noah darling, you are so wrong. Everyone knows you ruin ice cream by putting crunch coat on it,""Crunch coat," Noah says, "is delicious. And besides, I'm supposed to be taking advice from you?""What's that supposed to mean?""You listen to Lady Gaga.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“People come and go, in and out of each other’s lives like it’s nothing. So I don’t know how/why this should be a big deal.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Last year I kissed this freshman girl at a pool party and she wouldn’t get off my nuts for six months. Which is why my policy is now no psychotics, and no freshmen. The freshmen thing is obviously easy to avoid, while the psychotics pose a bit more of a problem. It’s not like girls walk around with “I’m crazy” stamped on their chests.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“I do it because I can.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“But we're not sleeping," he points out."well, I would be," I say, "if you would let me off the phone." Which is obviously a lie."Fine," he says."Fine," I say."Wait!""What now?!""Court?"I don't say anything."Are you there?""Yes, I'm here," I say, "What is it?""I love you." And then he hangs up the phone.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“You should never start thinking about 'what might have been,' and you should also never start thinking about another boy when you're heartbroken over someone else.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“In my mind, I still think of him as being a cheater. Otherwise he just met some girl he liked better, and it's not as dramatic.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Who ends up with their first real boyfriend? Yeah, no one.- Courtney”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“This"I’m so over him. This is me, being over him. La,la,la.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“a) he's late. b) he's acting like an asshole and blowing me off. c)he's gotten into a horrible car crash that's left dead. The most likely answer is A. (We went to prom together, and the limo had to wait in his driveway for half an hour. At the end of the night, we got charged for an extra hour. He- read: his parents- paid for it, but still.)”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Look, do you want to come in? Because for someone who's not talking to me, you certainly seem to have a lot to say.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“- Dude, it's Jocelyn, I (Jordan) say looking over my shoulder nervously [...]- This isn't Jocelyn, B.J says sighing. It's Jordan. Dude, try to play a better trick than that. You sound nothing like her. Plus your number came up on my caller ID.PS: maybe I'm just in a very good mood, but I keep laughing while reading this book, there are plenty of scenes that make me smile, and this is one of them.. it's just hilarious how silly and funny these characters are ;))”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Manipulating situations is one thing, but lying is another. My theory (especially with girls) is that if you don't lie, you can't be held responsible for anything bad that goes down.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Eliza: The problem with YOU is that you don't take the RESPONSIBILITY for anything@ You think you can just run around, doing whatever you want to whoever you want, and that it's going to be fine. That everything is just going to be TAKE CARE of for you, with no consequences.Cooper: No. I don't, and I have had consequences from what happened with me and you.Eliza: Yeah? Like what?Cooper: I lost you, that was my consequence.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“You're still riding home with me right?" He asks Courtney watching me at the corner of his eye. What's with this guy? he looks like he's about one second from taking a baseballbat to my knees. Or wanting to. I wonder if this is how serial killers start out. Wasn't Unabomber really goos at math?”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“My eyes are a little blood shot from crying, and my hair's messy. But other than that i don't look like someone who's world is falling apart"-Courtney; Two way streeti love this quote. I'm not entirely sure why, but i just do. I guess probably the because it true.. once you're in that position.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“a road trip with her ex? danger ahead...”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“the truth is, he just doesn't love me.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“Maybe it’s our bodies’ way of telling us we were meant to be. Or maybe I, like, cuddle raped him or something.”
Lauren Barnholdt
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“No matter how much you tell yourself your over someone, your heart knows the truth”
Lauren Barnholdt
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