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Lauren Dane

“Look at you. How did you happen to me?"Gods, shew as just going to cry if he kept this up."I just . . . there's no one else. Ever. It's you until I no longer draw breath.”
Lauren Dane
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“I don't need protection." Not that she minded, of course. She always protected. It's what she did every moment of the day, and that small span of time when he'd protected her had been, well like a present."Don't need it, no." He gave her the coordinates, and she got moving. "Deservie it, yes.”
Lauren Dane
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“Like I need to play on the Wii when you're there willing to f*** me. Video games are what men invented to fill the sex void. Any man who chooses video games over sex deserves to live in his mother's basement with his mint-condition, in box Star Wars figurines and his real doll.”
Lauren Dane
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“I carry this thing between us, like a weight. A good weight, in my pocket. I reach out and hold it from time to time like a wonderful secret. I will always have that. I will never feel this way about another woman, ever. My heart will be yours forever, no matter who shares your bed, no matter whose children you bear. I’m here.” He tapped her chest. “And you’re here.” He tapped his own.”
Lauren Dane
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“For all her talk of being or so progressive and free...all she really is is full of shit!”
Lauren Dane
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“Listen, I'm bossy. I can't help it. It's who I am and what I do. I'm pushy and I like to take over. But I'm going to work really hard not to do so much and your going to try and accept me the way I am. Flaws and all. Because I'm good in bed and I can carry heavy things and reach all the high shelves.”
Lauren Dane
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“You shut up. I'm older and I'm not going to stay at your palace of decadence and deviance." --Brody to Erin.”
Lauren Dane
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