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Lauren Oliver

Lauren Oliver is the cofounder of media and content development company Glasstown Entertainment, where she serves as the president of production. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of the YA novels Replica, Vanishing Girls, Panic, and the Delirium trilogy: Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem, which have been translated into more than thirty languages. The film rights to both Replica and Lauren's bestselling first novel, Before I Fall, were acquired by AwesomenessTV; Before I Fall is now a major motion picture and opened in theaters March of 2017. The sequel to Replica, titled Ringer, is her most recent novel and was released October 3rd, 2017.

Her novels for middle grade readers include The Spindlers, Liesl & Po, and the Curiosity House series, co-written with H. C. Chester. She has written one novel for adults, Rooms.

A graduate of the University of Chicago and NYU's MFA program, Lauren Oliver divides her time between New York, Connecticut, and a variety of airport lounges. You can visit her online at

“Y todo me parece absurdo, arbitrario. Una se eleva y la otra cae en picado: pura casualidad, un capricho del azar. Todo se reduce a estar en el momento y el lugar adecuados, o no estarlo.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Me estremezco al darme cuenta de lo fácil que es equivocarse con las personas, de lo sencillo que es quedarse con una parte insignificante de ellas y confundir esa parte con el todo, de lo poco que cuesta mezclar las causas con las consecuencias y al revés.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Además ya he decidido que hoy es el día de mi nuevo comienzo. De ahora en adelante, haré las cosas como hay que hacerlas. Seré una persona diferente, una buena persona. Seré una de esas personas a las que la gente no solo recuerda, sino que las recuerda con cariño.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Son esos pequeños detalles los que forman parte del dibujo de mi vida, como esos tapices tejidos a mano que son especiales precisamente por los pequeños defectos de la trama, por esos agujeritos, nudos e imperfecciones que los hacer irrepetibles.”
Lauren Oliver
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“... si no es posible regresar a los sitios de los que has partido, no es porque los sitios cambien, sino porque cambias tú. Como ya no eres la misma persona, no puedes ver las cosas igual que antes.”
Lauren Oliver
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“... morirse es lo más solitario que se puede hacer.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Ojalá siga siempre así, ojalá nada ni nadie la haga cambiar.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Soy capaz, me atrevo y voy a hacerlo.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Otra cosa que merece la pena recordar: la esperanza nos mantiene vivos. Incluso cuando estamos muertos, nos mantiene vivos.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Cuando eres niña solo sueñas con ser mayor, y cuando ya eres mayor te gustaría volver a ser una niña.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Trata de no prejuzgarme. Recuerda que tú y yo somos iguales. Yo también creía que mi vida iba a durar eternamente.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Las buenas amigas guardan los secretos; las amigas íntimas te ayudan a no contarlos.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Lo que quiero decir es que, cuando llega, llega por sorpresa. No te levantas con una sensación extraña en el cuerpo. No ves sombras donde no deberías haberlas. no se te ocurre decir a tus padres que les quieres, e incluso puede que salgas sin despedirte de ellos, como hice yo.”
Lauren Oliver
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“The last laugh, the last cup of coffee, the last sunset, the last time you jump through a sprinkler, or eat an ice-cream cone, or stick your tongue out to catch a snowflake. You just don't know.”
Lauren Oliver
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“like I am Alice in the Wonderland and have gotten too big for the room.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Things That Don't Matter When You've Lived the Same Day Six Times and Died on at Least Two of Them: Lunch meats and their relative coolness. ”
Lauren Oliver
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“Thing that don't matter when you've lived the same day”
Lauren Oliver
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“A room full of words that are nearly the truth but not quite, each note fluttering off the steam of its rose like a broken butterfly wing.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Like there is no continuit in people at all”
Lauren Oliver
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“So far I've seen the life studies packet used as (1) an umbrella, (2) a makeshift towel, (3) a pillow, and now this. I have never actually seen anyone study with it, which either means that everyone who graduates from Thomas Jefferson will be totally unprepared for life or that certain things can't be learned in bullet-point format.”
Lauren Oliver
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“And a face above mine, white and beautiful, eyes as large as the moon. You saved me. A hand on my cheek, cool and dry. Why did you save me? Words welling up on a tide: No, the opposite. Eyes the colour of a dawn sky, a crown of blond hair, so bright and white and blinding I could swear it was a halo.”
Lauren Oliver
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“I want to help you,' I say to Juliet, though I know that I can't make her understand, not like this.'Don't you get it?' She turns to me, and to my surprise I see she's crying. 'I can't be fixed, do you understand?'I think of standing on the stairs with Kent and saying exactly the same thing. I think of his beautiful light green eyes, and the way he said, You don't need to be fixed and the warmth of his hands and the softness of his lips. I think of Juliet's mask and how maybe we all feel patched and stitched together and not quite right.I am not afraid. Dimly, I have the sense of roaring in my ears and voices so close and faces, white and frightened, emerging from the darkness, but I can't stop staring at Juliet as she's crying, still so beautiful.'It's too late,' she says.And I say, 'It's never too late.”
Lauren Oliver
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“I'm starved for different light, a different sun,different sky.”
Lauren Oliver
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“It's Connecticut: being like the people around you is the whole point.”
Lauren Oliver
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