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Lauren Oliver

Lauren Oliver is the cofounder of media and content development company Glasstown Entertainment, where she serves as the president of production. She is also the New York Times bestselling author of the YA novels Replica, Vanishing Girls, Panic, and the Delirium trilogy: Delirium, Pandemonium, and Requiem, which have been translated into more than thirty languages. The film rights to both Replica and Lauren's bestselling first novel, Before I Fall, were acquired by AwesomenessTV; Before I Fall is now a major motion picture and opened in theaters March of 2017. The sequel to Replica, titled Ringer, is her most recent novel and was released October 3rd, 2017.

Her novels for middle grade readers include The Spindlers, Liesl & Po, and the Curiosity House series, co-written with H. C. Chester. She has written one novel for adults, Rooms.

A graduate of the University of Chicago and NYU's MFA program, Lauren Oliver divides her time between New York, Connecticut, and a variety of airport lounges. You can visit her online at

“Maybe all of these different possibilities exist at the same time, like each moment we live has a thousand other moments layered underneath it that look different.”
Lauren Oliver
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“It strikes me how strange people are. You can see them every day, you can think you know them and then you found out you hardly know them at all.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Even the greatest movements on earth, have their beginnings with something small.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Feelings aren't forever. Time waits for no one, but progress waits for man to enact it.”
Lauren Oliver
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“That is what hatred is. It will feed you and at the same time turn you to rot.”
Lauren Oliver
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“We'll walk together holding hands, and kiss in broad daylight, and love each other as much as we want to, and no one will ever try to keep up apart.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Everywhere he touches is fire. My whole body is burning up, the two of us becoming twin points of the same bright white flame.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Everything has taken on a strange, distant quality - the sounds of running and shouting outside get warped and weird like they're being filtered through water, and Alex looks miles away. I start to think I might be dreaming, or about to pass out. And then I decide I'm definitely dreaming, because as I'm watching, Alex starts peeling his shirt off over his head.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Letting go is easy: it's all downhill.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Old words; words that nearly brought me to my knees.Live free or die”
Lauren Oliver
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“The second time my world exploded, it was alsobecause of a word. A word that worked its way out of mythroat and danced onto and out of my lips before I couldthink about it, or stop it.The question was: Will you meet me tomorrow?And the word was: Yes.”
Lauren Oliver
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“It’s the way he saysmy name: like music.”
Lauren Oliver
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“He showed me his smile, and went straight for my heart.”
Lauren Oliver
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“She is the only one who knowsof the Coldness: a feeling that comes sometimes when I’mlying in bed, a black, empty feeling that knocks my breathaway and leaves me gasping as though I’ve just beenthrown in icy water. On nights like that—although it is wrongand illegal—I think of those strange and terrible words, Ilove you, and wonder what they would taste like in mymouth, try to recall their lilting rhythm on my mother’stongue.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Still, I worry. They say that in the old days, love drovepeople to madness. That’s bad enough. The Book of Shhhalso tells stories of those who died because of love lost ornever found, which is what terrifies me the most.The deadliest of all deadly things: It kills you both whenyou have it and when you don’t”
Lauren Oliver
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“I met an Invalid,and fell for his artHe showed me his smile, and went straight for my heart.”
Lauren Oliver
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“What glitters may not be gold; and even wolves may smile; and fools will be led by promises to their deaths.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Is this freedom? Is it happiness? I don't know. I don't care anymore. It is different--it is being alive.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray thee, Lord, my soul to keep.If I should die before I wake,I pay thee, Lord, my soul to take.”
Lauren Oliver
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“She is staring at me wide-eyed, willing me to understand: that people should be sacrificed to causes, that beauty can be built on the backs of the dead.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Cinta akan membunuh, sekaligus menyelamatkanmu.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Kebencian bukanlah hal yang paling berbahaya. Ketidakpedulian, ya!”
Lauren Oliver
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“Kau tahu, kan.. Kau takkan bahagia kecuali -sekali saja- kau pernah merasa tak bahagia.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Setiap pilihan selalu ada batasannya. Inilah hidup.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Jika mereka benar-benar ingin kita bahagia, mereka akan membiarkan kita memilih sendiri.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Hal yang paling mematikan dari yang mematikan: Cinta akan tetap membunuhmu, tak peduli apakah kau memilikinya atau tidak.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Cinta memengaruhi akal sehatmu sampai kau tak bisa lagi berpikir dengan jernih atau membuat keputusan rasional dalam hidupmu.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Penyakit yang paling berbahaya adalah penyakit yang membuat kita percaya kalau kita baik-baik saja.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Liesl knew then that Po had been lying. The ghost did miss the living side. She understood then, too, that everyone drowns differently; and that for everyone, even ghosts, there is a different kind of air.”
Lauren Oliver
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“I know part of the problem, of course. The disorientation, the distraction, the difficulty focusing-all classic Phase one signs of deliria. But I don't care. If pneumonia felt this good I'd stand out in the snow in the winter with bare feet and no coat on, or march into the hospital and kiss pneumonia patients.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Stupid, stupid-to be so careless with our time, to believe we had so much of it left.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Rage will make you careless”
Lauren Oliver
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“We're all hangmen.”
Lauren Oliver
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“My point is: maybe you can afford to wait. Maybe for you there's a tomorrow. Maybe for you there's one thousand tomorrows, or three thousand, or ten, so much time you can bathe in it, roll around it, let it slide like coins through your fingers. So much time you can waste it.But for some of us there's only today. And the truth is, you never really know.”
Lauren Oliver
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“That's when it happens. The moment of death is full of heat and sound and pain bigger than anything, a funnel of burning heat splitting me in two, something searing and scorching and tearing, and if screaming were a feeling it would be this.Then nothing. I know some of you are thinking maybe I deserved it. Maybe I shouldn't have sent that rose to Juliet or dumped my drink on her at the party. Maybe I shouldn't have copied off of Lauren Lornet's quiz. Maybe I shouldn't have said those things to Kent. There are probably some of you who think I deserved it because I was going to let Rob go all the way--because I wasn't going to save myself.But before you start pointing fingers, is what I did really so bad? So bad I deserved to die? So bad I deserved to die like THAT?Is what I did really so much worse than what anybody else does?Is it really so much worse than what YOU do?Think about it.”
Lauren Oliver
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“I remember a story I once heard about drowning: that when you fall into cold water it's not that you drown right away but that the cold disorients you and makes you think that down is up and up is down, so you may be swimming, swimming, swimming for your life in the wrong direction, all the way toward the bottom until you sink. That's how I feel, as though everything has been turned around.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Suicide. A sideways word, a word that people whisper and mutter and cough: a word that must be squeezed out behind cupped palms or murmured behind closed doors. It was only in dreams that I heard the word shouted, screamed.”
Lauren Oliver
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“And when we are with Alex, I might as well not be there. They speak in a language of whispers and giggles and secrets; their words are like a fairy-tale tangle of thorns, which place a wall between us.”
Lauren Oliver
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“It's amazing how close I have been, all this time, to my old life. And yet the distance that divides me from it is vast.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Love, the deadliest of all deadly things. It kills you.Alex.When you have it.Alex.And when you don't.Alex.”
Lauren Oliver
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“It was a bird. A bird struggling through stickiness: a bird coated in paint, floundering in its nest, splashing color everywhere.Red. Red. Red.Dozens of them: black feathers coated thickly with crimson-colored paint, fluttering among the branches.Red means run.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Promise me we'll stay together, okay?" His eyes are once again the clear blue of a perfectly transparent pool. They are eyes to swim in, to float in, forever. "You and me.""I promise," I say.Behind us the door creaks open, and I turn around, expecting Raven, just as a voice cuts through the air: "Don't believe her.”
Lauren Oliver
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“For a second I feel a rush of sadness: for the horizons that vanish behind us, for the people we leave behind, the tiny-doll selves that get stored away and ultimately buried.”
Lauren Oliver
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“And suddenly it's all so ridiculously and stupidly clear I feel like laughing. This is what I want. This is the only thing i've ever wanted. Everything else---every single second of every single day that has come before this very moment, this kiss---has meant nothing.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Anger is useful only to a certain point. After that, it becomes rage, and rage will make you careless.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Live free or die.Four words. Thirteen letters. Ridges, bumps, swirls under my fingertips. Another story. We cling tightly to it, and our belief turns it to truth.”
Lauren Oliver
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“I just want to be normal, like everybody else." "Are you sure that being like everybody else will make you happy?”
Lauren Oliver
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“When I’m running, there’s always this split second when the pain is ripping through me and I can hardly breathe and all I see is color and blur—and in that split second, right as the pain crests, and becomes too much, and there’s a whiteness going through me, I see something to my left, a flicker of color […]—and I know then, too, that if I only turn my head he’ll be there, laughing, watching me, and holding out his arms.I don’t ever turn my head to look, of course. But one day I will. One day I will, and he’ll be back, and everything will be okay.And until then: I run.”
Lauren Oliver
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“...if you are one tardy away from missing out on a big competition, you should probably make your coffee at home.”
Lauren Oliver
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“Lord, help us root our feet to the earthAnd our eyes to the roadAnd always remember the fallen angelsWho, attempting to soar,Were seared instead by the sun and, wings melting,Came crashing back to the sea.Lord, help root my eyes to the earthAnd stay my eyes to the roadSo I may never stumble.-Psalm 24 (From "Prayer and Study," The Book of Shhh)”
Lauren Oliver
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