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Laurie Laliberte

as written by fellow Kindle All-Star Richard Roberts:

Bernard Schaffer was the visionary who came up with the Kindle All Stars project, but Laurie Laliberte did all the work. All of it. Proofreading, advertising, soothing the feelings of abused writers and making sure the money is spent on charity and not waffles, Laurie did it all.

Her life prepared her well for it. In the beginning was the Word, and he said 'Let there be Light!' and Laurie Laliberte rose from the firmament as the first and most beautiful child of creation. At which point she was told 'Great, now go and do the same thing for the rest of the universe. I'm popping open a cold one.' Throughout the unfathomable depths of history she's had to kick over a round rock to help invent the wheel, stand in for paintings of Helen so the Greeks would think she was hot enough to go to war over, get Einstein drunk and keep asking him 'So how do you think time works, anyway?' and... well, you get the idea.

But what about her personal life? Of course, her work - everyone else's work - leaves her with little time to herself. Her work ethic and incredible sense of responsibility allow her to put in no less than 87 hours per day, and that's before you count in how much more productive she is than mere humans. She still manages a few moments to appreciate humanity's greatest arts, literature and cartoons, write kind and wonderful rejection letters to the thousands of men who beg her for dates, and defend her international title in Dueling Wit (street fighting version, of course).

“No matter how terrified you may be, own your fear and take that leap anyway because whether you land on your feet or on your butt, the journey is well worth it.”
Laurie Laliberte
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