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Laury Falter

Laury Falter is a bestselling author of young adult romantic suspense and urban fantasy. She conjures worlds in which love is born and tested against seemingly insurmountable events. ​

She has three series out: the Guardian Saga, the Residue Series, and the Apocalypse Chronicles.

Find out more news and information about Laury and her novels on her:


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“You can't live by other's expectations of you.”
Laury Falter
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“Love can't begin to describe how I feel about you.”
Laury Falter
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“I'll see you soon," he whispered, the lump in his throat rising again to jar the release of his sigh. He swallowed once more and said, "But it won't be soon enough.”
Laury Falter
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“It will always be yes..." I whispered, lightly kissing his lips..."I will always be yours..." I continued, kissing along his jaw line..."And I will always be by your side..." I finished kissing his neck.”
Laury Falter
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“Then we spoke the words together. "For all eternity, my life.”
Laury Falter
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“I am in love with you, Magdalene. What I feel for you is timeless. And when I die, when this body releases me, I will find you and I will be your eternal protector.”
Laury Falter
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“You," he whispered his eyes warm and fixated on me, "hold my heart captive."I nodded solemnly before murmuring my reply. "And I'll never let it go.”
Laury Falter
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